Chapter 1

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As The Tardis landed it was in the middle of France World War One nineteen sixteen in the trenches and it was the middle of October and it was raining like normal in the trenches to help create more of a depressing atmosphere and as soon as The Doctor walked outside The Tardis he said "right here you go Larry nineteen sixteen World War One." As Larry stepped out of The Tardis with Sally his eyes nearly popped out of his head, Sally just smiled said "this is a priceless look on you Larry." "It's true, you travel in thoughts time, where are we?" Larry said back The Doctor didn't answer straight away as he was just looking around this trench that was complete dead of life and he also quickly notice that there was a single bit of gun fire it was utterly dead and he just tensed his face as Sally said just after she looked at Larry all confused "ermmm Doctor, are you alright?" The Doctor just said "sorry what did you say?" "Where are we?" Larry said back, "we're in France." The Doctor said back with concern before he said "what do you guy notice here because something is very very wrong here." Sally and Larry both took a quick look around before Sally said "it's very quite here, like shouldn't it be teaming with soldiers?" Larry quickly said "where's all the gun fire, where in the middle of a war we should be able to here some sort of gun fire." The Doctor then spun around energetically and said "exactly, where are the soldiers and where has the war gone." Sally then said "something else that is off here is that it feels like something really bad has happened here, like really bad." Larry quickly said "yeah I think that maybe just be the war." "No Larry, I don't think it is, she right as soon as I step out of The Tardis something felt wrong and very dark, and we need to find out what happened here, we need to have a look around see what we can see, " The Doctor said back to him quickly. Sally then just said "this is a big place to just have a look around it could take us ages and miles before we find anything." The Doctor knew she was right and he just said "good point, right take Larry and go and have a look around but don't leave each other's sight and be careful." After he said that he start walked off to the left.

Larry just looked at Sally and said " I have a feeling that stuff like this happens a lot around him?" Sally just looked at Larry and said as she started "yeah near enough most time this happens." As Larry started following her he said back "brilliant so, what exactly are we looking for?" Sally quickly said back "anything out of ordinary really but trust you'll know when you see it." "Right okay, so when you took time off this is what you was doing travelling though time and space." Larry said back to her, Sally quickly said back with a smile of her face "yeah pretty much been to some planet and a space ship as well, I mean when someone offers you all this you can't say no really can you?" Larry just grind before saying "I wouldn't exactly say he offer it to me, he just wanted to prove me wrong." Sally just looked at him and said "yeah I know but still I don't think he would of done that if he didn't want you to come with us at the end of it, you watch he'll ask you." Larry just gave Sally a very unsure look and Sally just said "why do you look so unsure?" Larry just said "I'm just not sure if I can just leave my life behind just like that and do this like you do." Sally just said "are you forget that he had a time machine so he can just take you back to the point just before we left, it would be like nothing ever happened." But before Larry could say anything back these two soldiers came rushing out of one of the bunk rooms with there guns poise right at Sally and Larry and they both instantly but there hands up and Larry quickly said "wow don't shoot were friendly." Both these soldiers look utterly terrified with both there finger tremoring with fear and the slightest movement from Sally or Larry and they would just pull the trigger, they both quickly notice that and Sally just said "I can see that your both scared but we're here to help you I promise we're not going to hurt you, what's your names?" They both just looked at them for a couple of seconds before Captain Robert Charles said "I'm Captain Robert Charles and this is Private Edward Howard..." but before he could finish what he was say Edward said "sir stop, we don't know if there real they could one of them for all we know." Sally then said "what do you mean one of them?" Edward then said "it's what they do to get us." Robert then just said with fear "he's right you could be one of them, we can't trust you." "Who exactly do you think we are because we're people just like you, we can prove it." Larry said back to him, Edward then quickly pulled his combat knife out and said "prove it, bleed." Sally just looked at Larry and said "great one." Larry just tensed his face.

Back with The Doctor he was just walking though the trenches slowly get soaked by the rain but he decided to pull his sonic out and scan the area while he was walking though the trenches but as he was doing that something caught The Doctor's eyes it was a skeleton and he just said "oh no, that's really not good." He said while he still have his finger pressed down on his sonic, as he got up to the skeleton body he knelt down next to it before he said "this isn't possible, it takes year for a body to get to this point." As he said that he finally noticed that his son I've had been bleeping all this time, he then just looked at his sonic and got to his feet and just said in an intrigue tone "what have you found." He then slowly turned around until the bleeping got more prominent and he just started following and it lead him to one of the bunker room within the trench, this bunker was the trench war room as it had a table in the middle of with a map of the surrounding area along with radios for communication with high ranking officials within the army as well as communicating with other areas of the trench to organise attacks on enemy troops. But as he walked there his sonic started bleeping faster and it didn't take he longer to notice what his sonic was picking up on, it was this portal it looked like a rip in the fabric of the world and it was just floating just above the floor. "Oooo that's not supposed to be there, interesting." He then released his finger from his sonic to stop the bleeping and he just walked up to it and said "looks like some sort of portal maybe." He then moved his hand towards it and when he touched it his hand just went straight though and into another world, he then just smiled and just stepped though the portal.

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