Chapter 3

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As The Doctor went running through the trenches towards the screams of Sally and it didn't take him long to find where they were but there was one problem no one was there. The Doctor just stopped and took a look around and saw footprints everywhere so he instantly knew they were here but there was no footprints leading away from this spot. He just said "ah that doesn't look good, what happened here." The Doctor then pulled out his sonic and scanned the surrounding area and when he looked at it he said "ahh of course that makes sense." But as he said that The Doctor suddenly heard something moving around behind him and in front of him and he just looked both sides of him as he started breathing more heavily in fear of what was coming. He slowly got to his feet and put his sonic away before he heard the creature's moving again, he then said "what are you? Or should I say who are you? And what have you done here? Where have all the people gone?" He didn't get anything back he just heard more movement that was getting closer to him and The Doctor then got to his feet and shouted in anger "SHOW YOURSELF!" As he said that all of a sudden he saw these two red eyes peak around the corner following by this creature that had horns on the top of its head and it was covered head to toes in scales like a lizard. The scales where all different shades of black to camouflage it in there own world, it also had eagle like feet with massive claws at the end of the each of his toes and its hands were exactly the same. He then looked to the other side of him and saw the other creature and he just tensed his face before saying "it's nice see who you are, but who are you?" Both the creature just keep looked at him before one of them said "we come out of darkness, to take this world from you." The Doctor quickly said back to that "you really think I'm going to let that happen because it not, it end here with me right now and you failed to answer my question, who are you?" "We are Shadow Demons." Both The Shadow Demons said back to him. The Doctor then frowned and said "well that's doesn't sound like a very nice name but anyway I'm getting side tracked, where have you taken my friends and everyone else here?" The Shadow Demons said back "they are with us and we are using there fears against them and everyone else are dead." "How do you do that use our fears against us because you did that me before you well tired to kill me." The Doctor said back to them, The Shadow Demon said back "we look deep into your souls so we can paralyse you with your deepest fear before we kill you." "I recently meet someone that died a similar sort of thing they were called remnants but anyway that doesn't matter, what do you do after you killed everyone?" He said back to them. The Shadow Demon said back "we will take everything into darkness." The Doctor looked at them both really confused and said "what do you mean by that?" But as he said that both the Demons start walked towards him and he just looked at them and said "errrm... what are you doing?" The Shadow Demons just said "it's time to take you back into darkness, Doctor." He then let out a little grin as he then quickly pulled up his sonic and sent out another sonic pulse out, sending both The Shadow Demons flying back into the walls of the trenches, The Do for then instantly started sprinting away down the trenches.

Back with Sally, Larry, Robert and Edward. Larry woke up on floor in this pitch black place, he could see a single thing. He then got to his feet and said " anyone here, what even is this place." He just started slowly walking around trying to find someone but he didn't find anyone he was just walking around in the pitch black for what seemed like an eternity before he heard something coming towards him and he just said "hello is there anyone there?" He then started seeing the outline of a figure walking towards him and he once again said "who is that?" The figure then said back "I'm scared, I'm all alone." Larry then started to panic a bit as he recognised the voice and as he figured got closer to him it was made clear who it was, it was himself but as a young boy after his parents left him. Larry heart skipped a beat when he saw that he was looking at himself as a child.

Back with The Doctor he had been sprinting though the trench until he finally stopped and took a quick look behind him to make sure The Shadow Demons were right behind him, they wasn't for now. He then quickly said with urgency "they must be in there world or dimension, oh it could be a different dimension, that would make a lot of sense. Anyway there must be another portal somewhere I've just gotta find it." He then used his sonic to locate signs of unusual energy signals coming from the area and he quickly located it and said with a smile "bingo."he then quickly started following where his sonic was leading him.

But with Larry he was just staring at him himself, starting to panic as he was reliving the night his parents left him but as he was looking at himself when suddenly The Doctor came rushing towards him and instead used his sonic to send out another pulse sending The Shadow Demon fly and he just shouted "LARRY RUN NOW!" He then went shooting towards him. He said to him "what is going on here? Where are we?" The Doctor then said as he scanned the area quickly "I think we're in a different dimension that is full of creatures called Shadow Demons and they want you world." Larry just said back to that all confused "how did I just see myself like that?" "No time, we need to find Sally right now." He then looked at him sonic before saying "they're coming." "How are we going to find them in here we can't see anything?" Larry said back in panic, The Doctor just looked at him in surprise before saying "them?" "We found two soldiers." Larry said back, The Doctor just exhaled with stress before saying "oh this is going to make things interesting." He used his sonic again to locate Sally's life signs and he just said once he found it "got it come on." They both then went deeper into darkness. As they were walking through the darkness they keep here noises and Larry said as he started to get more scared "is that them?" "Yes it is, they are trying to split us apart so they can pick us off one by one, just don't listen to it whatever you here and just focus on finding Sally and the others." They keep walking for what seemed like forever with these voice in the background trying to tempted them away from each other.

But when they finally found Sally she was still unconscious on the floor and they both rushed down to her side and Larry quickly felt for a pulse while The Doctor took a look around before saying "Larry how is she?" "She's alright." Larry said back in delight but, as he said that all of a sudden there was a gun shot, this scared the living daylights out of Larry and The Doctor but Larry quickly said "that must be Robert and Edward." The Doctor then said "get her out of here and find somewhere safe..." The Doctor then handed Larry his sonic and carried on saying "take this, all you've gotta do is press this button and it will lead you to the way out of here." As Larry took his sonic he said "are you nuts, how are you going to get out?" "That doesn't matter just get her out of here right now, I'll find the others." The Doctor said back as he got to his feet and started running towards the gun.

Doctor Who S1 E6: Out Of Darkness Where stories live. Discover now