Chapter 6

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Once they were all out on the quite battle field where the fog was so thick that you could barely see your own hand in front of your face and the wind and rain were ten time worse out of the trenches. As they were making there way across to the German trenches The Doctor kept scanning the area behind to see where The Shadow Demons and after his latest scan Larry said as he walked up to him "are they still coming?" The Doctor quickly said back "oh yeah they're coming, we escaped them Larry and something tells me that doesn't happen very often." He then took a look at Larry and saw the discomfort on his face and said "is everything okay?" Larry just looked at him and said back in an unsettled tone "oh yeah I'm great, I'm in France nineteen sixteen getting hunted by demons that use our biggest fears to kill us." The Doctor just looked at Larry as he said trying to comfort him "it's not always like this Larry, I have been to some of the most wonderful and beautiful places in the universe that aren't filled with danger or something trying to kill us and I'll show you if you'll let me." He just looked at The Doctor once he said before saying "are you asking me to come with you?" He just smiled before saying "I wouldn't have brought you here I didn't want you to come with us." "I suppose you do have a Time Machine so I guess you can just drop a couple of seconds after I left." "Is that a yes then?" The Doctor said back filled with excitement, Larry quickly said back to him "no it's a I'll think about it." The Doctor just shook his head but as he looked at Larry he could still see that something is wrong with him, he just said "Larry I can tell that something is still wrong so what is it?" Larry just looked at him before saying "it's just what I saw when The Demons were coming from me, I'm guessing you saw what my fear was." The Doctor just nodded his head and said "yeah I saw but why are you afraid of being alone?" Larry tensed his face and said back after a couple of seconds "my parents left me when I was just a boy and I don't know why, I just woke up one morning and they were gone and I bounce around different orphanages for until I was old enough to get out." The Doctor said back to that "and after all that now you help people when they are at there worst now that is awesome." Larry just said back "huh, I didn't really think that's why I wanted to be a police officer but now you've said that it makes a lot of sense but that fear of everyone leaving me has never gone away, it just haunts me and it doesn't matter who I surround myself with I always feel like there going to end up leaving me."

The Doctor knew exactly how Larry was feeling and once he had ran his hand down his face he said "I know how you feel Larry believe it or not, I'm an orphan as well, my whole planet is gone, all my friends and family are gone, I'll never see them again so I get how you feel when you think everyone is going to leave you because I feel like that all the time as well and it hard, really hard but people come and go all the time and that's okay because that's life unfortunately as long as you surround yourself with people that truly care about you they'll never leave you Larry. That's something I want to remember when that fear creeps in your never truly alone, don't let this fear that your parents gave you consume you because look at what you become because of all that a detective that helps people on the worst days of there lives." Larry smiled and said "wow no one ever said anything like that to me before but to tell you the truth I've never told anyone about that before." The Doctor just said "your past is nothing to be ashamed of Larry it's part of who you are just like everyone else, embrace your past you wouldn't be where you are with out all that, just focus on the positives out of it all and I can see a lot of them." "Yeah I guess you're right, I'll try and think of it like that, it's just hard sometimes because the negative side of it overwhelms any positive out of it." Larry said back to him.

The Doctor just smiled before saying "you'll get there it's just takes time." "You wouldn't happen to know how long would you?" Larry said back as he chuckled, The Doctor just said "that's something I'm still figuring out myself." Larry was very surprised with him saying that, he then said to him "i wasn't expecting you to say that, though you might have the answer to that like you do with most things." The Doctor just smiled before saying "everyone deep down is scared of being alone but a lot of people don't have the courage to admit it to themselves and just because I'm not human doesn't mean I don't have that same fear." Larry just said back to that "thank you Doctor and this probably won't mean much coming from me but I'm sorry about your planet." He just looked at Larry and said "oh that means everything Larry, I will miss that orange planet every day for the rest of my lives and I keep every single one of them in my hearts forever." Larry quickly said out of shock " I'm sorry did you just say hearts?" The Doctor said back with a smile of his face "that's the perk of being a Time Lord but also it's greatest cures, having two hearts and not being able to die." Larry just smiled once The Doctor said that before saying with amusement "I don't why you saying that surprised me so much but it does." "Oh I'm full of surprises Larry." The Doctor said back.

They all then arrived at The German trench and Robert instantly pulled his gun out as they all started to climb down into the trench and as The Doctor climb down he just looked at Robert and said in a stern tone "you can put that away right now, we have a bigger enemy to defeat here." Robert just looked at him before saying "I'm going to take this risk Doctor if I see any German I will kill them on sight." The Doctor tensed his face in anger before saying " no one else is dying today, I've already got one monster to stop don't put another on my list." Robert and The Doctor both just looked at each other with out breaking eye contact until Sally said from down the trench as her and Larry walked a bit further down the trench "Doctor you might wanna come and look at this." The Doctor just kept staring at Robert for a couple of seconds before he quickly turned and ran towards Sally's voice.

As The Doctor caught up to Sally and Larry he quickly stopped as he saw what they were both looking at and Larry and Sally just looked at him as he said with worry "ah that doesn't look too good, does it."

Doctor Who S1 E6: Out Of Darkness Where stories live. Discover now