Chapter 44

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Ainsley's POV

Game day was catastrophic in so many ways. 

I woke up sick. I had a 101 fever, but I'd been told yesterday that there was a high chance I'd be starting since Rose got hurt. It was either Ash or I, which was weird to be competing with her. 

It was also weird because I haven't started a game since the fire. Not for club or country. Granted, I haven't played many games, but still. Vlatko had a lot of confidence in me, and I haven't had any lung problems, so I had confidence in myself. 

I got lots of medicine from the trainers for game time. 

I got the start. 

Being on the USWNT is an unreal experience in itself, but starting is a whole different feeling. It's truly crazy.

Near the end of the first half, were up 1-0 on Emily Fox's first international goal. We had the momentum, and everything seemed to be going well. Mal'd had a pretty decent knock to the head, but she came back on the field. 

Then shit hit the fan. 

The ball was passed to Mal, but before she could kick it, she fell over, screaming in pain like I'd never heard before. 

Lindsey and I were the quickest to her side. We strategically positioned ourselves between her and the broadcasting cameras. We tried to calm her down as the trainers came running on. 

When the stretcher came out, I was mortified. Lindsey and I stayed until the stretcher was gone, and then we made our way to the bench for a quick drink before going back out on the field. 

Trinity came in for Mal.

The half ended not long after that. The vibe in the locker room was so fucking dull. We assumed the worst but hoped for the best. 

I had that gut feeling that it was gonna be fucking awful. 

We won 2-0, Emily's first half goal and Lindsey scored a PK in the second 45. I got subbed at the 60th. I guess I played a great game, because the stadium went crazy for me. 

I didn't get to play with Ash because she literally subbed in for me, but that was all irrelevant in hindsight. I couldn't stop thinking about Mal, I felt fucking sicker than I was when I woke up, and Trinity is fucking pissed at me. So life is going great. 

I didn't want to get any of the fans sick, so I skipped the signing tonight. I normally go around for as long as they'll let me. 

Everyone else came in pretty early as well. Nobody talked for a good five minutes as we turned in our kits and equipment and changed back into our tracksuits. 


Ash and I got a ride to the hospital and spent an hour there before we had to get back to the hotel to catch the bus to the airport. 

Lindsey and Rose came too. I think everyone else was scared. 

They'd determined that she tore her patella tendon and the recovery is going to be long and tough, almost that of an ACL, though the rehab was going to be different. 

It could be a year until we are on the pitch together again. That's a sad thought. 

And she's missing the World Cup during the best year of her career. 

Life is so unfair. 

I cried saying goodbye to her, because our time was cut short and I had no idea the next time I'd see her. To be honest, it wasn't really crying, it was more a tear or two coming from my eyes. But she has no idea what that means coming from me. 

She was getting transferred back home to Chicago tonight in a helicopter. She ha to get surgery tomorrow or Monday depending. 

When the four of us left, the mood was down. I used to say there's never a dull moment with Lindsey and Rose around, but that didn't apply this time. 

On the flight to St. Louis, I fell asleep with my head buried into Ash's shoulder. 

I was tasked with packing up all of Mal's stuff before going to the airport, so in true klepto fashion, I stole some of her things. I stole a sweatshirt and two t-shirts. One of them she told me I could keep as a present, but the other two things just 'happened to make it into my bag.' 

I'[m still not talking to Trinity. 

And we didn't talk for the few days between our games, and we didn't talk when we started together for the last international break game. 

I even sat in the window seat of the plane next to Hatchy who was between Andi and I.

We won our game in St. Louis 2-0. Alana Cook came out of nowhere and scored a banger in the first half, and then I bagged my second international goal in the second half. 

We still weren't playing our best, and considering this was our last camp before world cup decisions, I felt like we had some things we needed to fix. I am definitely not a roster lock by any means, but I played very well and got two starts this camp. I just have to keep up my club play. 

I was ready to go for Spirit's next game against North Carolina Courage. I'll find a way to give more than I already have. Everything I do is setting me up for success or failure when it comes to the World Cup, but I just have to take everything one game at a time. 

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