Chapter 48

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**Time skip to  Women's World Cup  Group Stages**

Ainsley's POV

I did it. 

I stepped up my NWSL play, and I made the World Cup roster. 

Ash and I did it. We were the first sisters to make the same senior World Cup squad for the USWNT. 

Getting the call that day was the greatest day of my life. 

But it was weird, because I had hardly any family to call. I have an uncle, aunt and cousins in California that I texted. We don't talk all the time, but we keep in touch, talking about once every two weeks. He's the one who took care of me until the end of high school because Ash couldn't due to being a college athlete who traveled so much. 

Trinity told our teammates, but we still have yet to post about us. We have no idea how anyone would react to be completely honest. I think there's some slight suspicion because someone made the big fat mistake of posting a video of us from my birthday party back in May. But we do a good job of not making it obvious I think. 

I got to share a room with her for the World Cup, which was super fun. The rooms were big and roomy, nothing like the other hotels we've stayed in. Australia is nice, but the toilets don't flush backwards, and that was really disappointing. Trinity and I tested it four times just to quadruple check. Just to be absolutely sure. It's very disappointing. 

It's also disappointing that Mal couldn't come. I'm still in shock that she got hurt and I'm still very upset. It's just not fair. 

Trinity and I spent our free time exploring the area, sometimes other people would come with us, sometimes it was just us. 

The day before the first game was a mess. I was too nervous to eat, and I didn't sleep well that night. I drank an energy drink the next morning that made me feel sick for the whole morning, but I felt better once we got on the bus to go to the game. 

It was all weird to me, because I don't get nervous. 

I wasn't starting, which was fine with me. Ash and I were both on the bench. Everyone on the bench took the iconic sub picture while the starting XI picture was taken. Ash jumped on my back and almost knocked me over. 

This game in particular we had a camera crew up our asses. It was obviously because of the World Cup, but I kinda hated the attention. 

We went up 3-0 on Vietnam before halftime. That prompted Vlatko adjust his tactics at the half and plan a few subs. 

Rose Lavelle was coming off an injury, and since we're already up three goals, he decided to pull her. 

"Ainsley, you take the field after halftime. Rose, you get to rest for the next 45." 

"What?" I said, shocked as Trinity slapped my shoulder and Ash pulled me into a side hug. 

"You're going in!" Ash said. She was more excited than I was. I felt like I was gonna throw up.  

"You're joking, right?" 

"Not at all." 

I was completely in shock, just kinda standing there as everyone headed back out to the field. 

"You're gonna crush it. We'll be out there, playing together in the World Cup." Trinity said, wrapping her arm around my waist. "Me and you, you and me. We're gonna dominate." 

It was only the two of us left in the locker room. We would get yelled at any second to come join the team. 

"Let's go do this." I smiled. "Greatest adventure we've had yet?" 

"Greatest ever." She smiled, giving me a quick kiss before we ran out to the team. 

I had high nerves for about 5 minutes, then I was running on straight adrenaline.

I played the 40 most high intensity minutes of my career. 

I found Trinity on a through ball, but she got tripped up from behind, no call. She brushed it off. 

On the very next play, I dribbled down to the edge of the box and put a cross in, and Alex almost redirected it into the back of the net with her head. 

I cursed to myself but kept fighting. 

On my most impressive play, I beat out three defenders and got to the end line, sliding a ground pass through to Trinity, who was able to put it away. 

We were now sitting at a comfortable 4-0. 

And that's how we finished the game. 

I had about seven assist opportunities in just 45 minutes, and one actually worked out, so I was happy with my performance. 

After the game, Ash ran out and pulled me into a big hug. 

"I'm so proud of you." She said. "You're amazing." 

"So are you." 

She let go of me and put her arm around my shoulder, and I put my head on hers. 

"Dad would be so proud of you."

"He's be so proud of both of us."

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