Chapter 53

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Ainsley's POV

At breakfast, everyone sung happy birthday to me after Kelley put a candle on a glob of whipped cream on my plate. I tried to get up and fucking leave, but I was stopped. 

I fucking hate attention. I always have. 

Then we all went to recovery and had a light training. The team spirit was low. 

Very, very low. 

Trinity hadn't come back to our room after practice and I took it as a moment of peace and quiet for myself. That was by far the best part of my birthday so far, no question. I had no desire to spend any more time with the team today. Their mood would just ruin my birthday. 

I must have fallen asleep, because I awoke suddenly when Trinity fucking barged into our room. She literally could not have been any louder. 

"Ainsley!" She yelled, slamming the door shut behind her. 

"Huh?" I lifted my head up to look at her. 

"I have your present, love." She put a giant bag on the bed next to me as I pushed myself up so I was sitting. 

"You know I fucking hate presents." I said. 

"Just be grateful for once in your life." 


As I grabbed the present and brought it in closer to me, I started smiling dumbly. I haven't really gotten a wrapped birthday present in years. Last year Ash sent me a shit ton of money and a few other things, but they came in Amazon boxes. She was in the middle of her season and I was preparing for my first season of college soccer. For my 17th birthday, Ash flew home from D.C. and helped my Aunt and Uncle buy me a car, which now belongs to my cousin since I moved across the country and was unable to take a road trip. My 16th birthday was an absolute disaster. I was an absolute disaster of a human but happy Ash had come home from D.C. to be with me a few weeks since they weren't really doing an NWSL season, she'd just stayed there to train and get used to life across the country. 

I hate presents so much because they remind me of all the birthdays that I spent as a kid listening to my mom make everything all about her. I hate presents so much because they remind me of all the gifts I received when my dad died. I hate presents so much because they remind me of Ash and I being separated when we needed each other most. 

I just stared at the one Trinity gave me, because I didn't want to be rude. 

I just didn't want to open it. 

"What are you waiting for?" She asked, the smile planted on her face was big and goofy. 

I chewed on my bottom lip. 

"Everything okay, Ains?" 

I pushed it back towards her slowly, and she just looked confused. 

"What's wrong?" 

"I'll be back in a minute." I said quietly, grabbing my phone and heading for the door. 

"Ainsley, where are you going?" She got up to follow me. 

"I'll be right back." I said. 


"I'll be back." My vision was blurred by tears but I sent a sympathetic smile her way and shut the door. 

She didn't follow me. 

I made my way to room 408 and knocked on the door, not expecting the quick answer I got. 

"Hey Ainsley. What's up?" Julie asked, stepping aside so I could walk in. 

"Nothing much." I said. My phone buzzed, a call from Tara, the third I've missed today. 

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