This is the end.

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AFTER DARK / 日没後Alice in Borderland 1-2sereinics 2023

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Alice in Borderland 1-2
sereinics 2023

The heart is an arrow.
It demands aim to land true.

Leigh Bardugo / Six of Crows

"Citizens of the beach! The time has come for us to play more games! Together, we will return to the real word! Please get in the cars assigned to your numbers!" Hatter shouted, his voice booming across the room.

More cheers erupted as people began shouting out words, talking about games being held in the area. So this is where the games are being held. But what did he mean by getting back to the real world? Was he saying that this place wasn't the one I was just in a couple hours ago?

She turned towards Chishiya, holding a slip of paper, "Looks like we aren't in the same group, which is quite unfortunate. It would've been fun to beat you in a game, sweetheart." She gave him a smile, to which he returned one of his own. "Maybe next time."

Maverick nodded, and as she turned to leave she felt Chishiya take a hold of her shirt. The sudden force pulled her back, which caused her to stumble and fall against his chest. Stiffening at the contact, her heart rate picked up as her cheeks warmed, glancing up to see Chishiya staring at her. She straightened, awaiting whatever he was going to say.

"We don't know what these games are about yet," he spoke, eyes slowly passing over her face. "Think with your brain, not your heart." She laughed softly at his words, punching him lightly on the shoulder. "Keep this up and I might think that you're worried about me, Chishiya."

When he remained silent after her expression, he took the moment to reach over and brush her fingers against his own. "You should be careful, too." She pulled away, already missing the small semblance of warmth that had been provided.

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