00. Strawberries and Secrets

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Seeing Chishiya for the first time the previous day was shocking enough for Maverick, so she was surprised to see him once again the next day, sitting in his seat like he'd sat there all quarter. Upon seeing her, Chishiya removed one hand from his hoodie pocket, giving her a lazy wave as if the two were acquainted enough to exchange pleasantries.

Maverick was quite stunned, to say the least, but she gave a quick nod and an unsure wave back, taking her seat quickly. She narrowed her eyes on him, her gaze unwavering as she tried to figure out if he was real and she totally didn't dream up the hot guy from yesterday's class.

"You know there's not a test today, right?" She asked, unsure if whatever inside source Chishiya had in order to know there was even a test the other day failed to let him know that there was in fact nothing that day, not even a makeup test. Chishiya just laughed, causing her confusion to grow. "I'm aware."

When she continued to look at him strangely, he started to explain himself. "I just wanted to know what I got on my test. See if I passed even without showing up to class."

Maverick then started to giggle. If there was anything she had learned about Chishiya in the past day, it was that he was cocky. Surely, he didn't feel the need to show up a second time for a definitive answer to his question. "I'm sure you know you passed."

The blonde smiled, no longer surprised at how she was able to read through his intentions. "We've only known each other for a day and you've already got me all figured out."

However, that was where Chishiya was wrong. No matter how much she analyzed him and how much she interacted with him, she did know nothing about him. If anything, the more she figured out, the more questions arose.

Before she knew it, attendance passed and test papers were being handed back. Maverick's mouth smiled at seeing a perfect score on top of her paper, with a little note of congratulations from the professor, mentally patting herself on the back. Chishiya leaned over to take a look at her test score, a slight smile molding itself on his face.

"Impressive." She looked up to meet his eyes, no longer staring at her paper, but staring at Maverick herself. His gaze was not one of malicious intent, but one of genuine interest. It was strange, very different to the mockery she experienced yesterday.

She smiled, hoping the expression was warm and not her cheeks. "Thanks, what'd you get?" She leaned over, and saw an identical score to her own, surprise on her face. "Huh. I guess you really are clever to get a good score like that." He shrugged, though his smile was unwavering. "Told you,"

After that, class started, the professor's voice monotone as ever. Even Maverick, normally so interested in the elective she had to take in order to graduate, found herself dozing off only fifteen minutes into the lecture, pencil scribbling tiny doodles in her notebook. She also saw her seat partner's boredom, hoodie resting on top of his head as he leaned forward to rest his weight on his arms. If she didn't know any better, she thought he had fallen asleep. That however, was not the case. Considering the male made his inner thoughts known to whoever was close enough to hear. She had to admit though, the smartass was actually funny, and it was getting harder and harder to suppress the giggles threatening to fall out from her lips.

She was no longer surprised to see Chishiya show up to class after that, the both of them quickly becoming what you'd call acquaintances, and perhaps even friends if you pushed the term far enough. She grew to anticipate the morning greetings before class and small banters shared during lectures to cure their boredom. The two didn't converse as much outside of class, but whenever Maverick sat in uncomfortable plastic chairs, she felt almost grateful for his presence. She didn't have many friends in the first place, and even though Chishiya was far from a friend, she silently thanked him for showing up that day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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