00. First Encounters

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             Surprised was definitely an understatement to describe the feeling Maverick Koushi felt looking up and seeing a stranger sitting in a spot that's been empty almost the entirety of the first quarter.

             She knew someone was supposed to be sitting there, hence the seating chart given the beginning of the year. However, after spending weeks with the empty seat beside her, she had assumed that whoever sat there decided to just drop out. And yet today, there sat a blond male in the seat right next to her, hands stuffed in his hoodie. He had not said anything yet, no explanation as to where he's been this entire time. He didn't even ask a question as to what was happening during the current class period. Either he already knew, or he simply didn't care. Either way, Maverick chose to ignore his presence, more preoccupied with the fact that there was a test that day and she'd rather spend the first few minutes left before class trying to review notes. Introductions could come later.

             However, it seemed as if the blond had different plans. She could practically feel his eyes on her, the gaze sending chills throughout her entire body. She settled her own attention to rest on him, surprised to find such a cold look in his half lidded eyes, calculating her every move. Another shiver ran down her spine, alarms ringing in her head and telling her to stay far away from that man. However, despite her brain telling her that he was not to be trusted, she couldn't help but be curious about him, wanting to figure out what he was like and what his intentions were.

             His eyes remained on her for another second before he glanced down towards her notes. He didn't seem surprised to see the writing, so it must've meant he was aware that there was a test that day, and that was most likely the reason for his sudden appearance. His eyes flickered up to hers once more before looking away, the corner of his mouth twitching up in a smirk.

             Maverick narrowed her eyes at him, wondering what he found so amusing and had been close to asking when the professor began to speak.

             "Good morning class. As you all know, there is a test today. Papers are being handed out as we speak. While that's being done, I'll be taking attendance. Please let me know that you're present once your name is called." With that, he began calling out names like he did routinely for weeks, the sound of students saying "Here!" and the rustling of papers filling the classroom.

             Once acquiring her test paper, she turned to hand the stack over to the male beside her. That time she wasn't surprised to find his attention already on her, one hand out of his pocket to grasp the papers extended towards him. Still, he hadn't said anything, grabbing one for his own before continuing the cycle. Her eyes remained on him until she heard the professor call out her name, tearing her eyes away to let him know that she was present. Soon after he called out for the next student, his face and voice changed to fit someone who had said that name multiple times before without reply. it was almost as if he knew that time would be no different, and expected the same outcome.

             "Chishiya Shuntaro—"

             "Here." Everyone in the classroom, including Maverick herself, turned to look at the monotone voice that had uttered the word. The professor's face, along with the rest of the students, painted that of surprise, so used to hearing silence for so long. So upon hearing someone actually answer, finally having a face to the name, everyone was shocked. The male however, now revealed as Chishiya, his mouth creating another smirk, once again shifting his eyes to her. It was almost like he wanted to know her reaction to the scene, trying to figure out what she thought of everything. Feeling unamused, and frankly not in the mood to humor him, she simply flashed him a small smile in greeting and settled her eyes back to her test paper.

             The professor cleared his throat, marking Chishiya as present before continuing on with attendance. Everyone else returned to their previous tasks as well, their curiosity satisfied. As attendance continued, once again, Chishiya decided to break the silence, turning to Maverick.

             "Hey, do you have a pencil?" It was now that she noticed that Chishiya lacked any sort of school supplies, including a backpack. It seemed she underestimated his lack of interest in school. Based on his relaxed state, she knew accidentally leaving his things at his place was not the case. It seemed like it happened often, and on purpose, too. How he made it so far without anything, she was still trying to figure out.

"If you knew there was a test today, why'd you forget something as basic as a pencil?" She asked, leaning down towards her backpack regardless and grabbing a pencil out of her pencil case. He appeared momentarily surprised at her question, but quickly masked the emotion with another one of his smirks. "You figured that out pretty quickly."

             This time, Maverick let out a slight grin. "Well, I'm not majoring in psychology for nothing. Would be pretty embarrassing if I couldn't read other people." He took the pencil extended out from her, fingers brushing lightly against hers. "I was here the first day, but things were boring. I stopped coming unless it was only for tests."

             She raised an eyebrow at the piece of information. "You speak as if you think you're too clever for this class."

             "I don't think I'm too clever for this class, I know I'm too clever," Chishiya's smirk widened, eyes never wavering from hers to let her know that he was serious.

             And she believed him.

             Ten minutes later, Maverick had finished her test. Her professor wasn't surprised, well known that her reading capabilities allowed her to read at a faster rate than everyone else and therefore complete assignments and tests quicker than other students. Her classmates were also aware of that fact, so no one was surprised to see Maverick Koushi hand in her test before the halfway mark. That is, everyone but Chishiya. As she walked back to her seat to gather her things she could feel his attention on her, a quick glance proving her suspicions correct. You could even say he looked impressed.

             Slinging her bag over her shoulder, her eyes met Chishiya's for the hundredth time that morning. Her feelings still hadn't changed within the twenty minutes spent in his presence, though she did feel less wary than before. There was just something about the man that was unlike the other people she'd interacted with thus far. Perhaps it was his strange sudden appearance, or perhaps the empty look in his eyes that left her with more questions than answers. Eyes were supposed to be the windows of the soul, but she could not figure out a single thing through the hickory brown resting on her figure.

             She shook herself from her thoughts, tucking them away for her to think about in a different time. Instead, Maverick decided to give him another soft smile and wave before turning and walking out of the classroom, still feeling indifferent about the course of events from her morning.

             Just who was Chishiya Shuntaro?

001. here she is, our lovely intro!! i love setting up storylines with quick interactions like these! mav is definitely very confused about chishiya, but do not worry girl, all will be revealed to you soon 👀

002. quick thing about mav's reading and analysis skills, these were things she developed as she grew older, she wasn't born with them. they will also be very helpful in her first game in the borderlands! again, ty for sticking around!! hope you enjoy the rest!!

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