second chance trope (george's version)

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pt 1: Laughter and chatter fills the common room as the Gryffindors gather to after dinner to spend their evening before going to bed

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pt 1:
Laughter and chatter fills the common room as the Gryffindors gather to after dinner to spend their evening before going to bed.
You had taken a seat next to your boyfriend, George, leaning into his side as you listen to him talking to Oliver Wood.
His left hand absentmindedly plays with a single hair strand. As he speaks with his low voice, soft vibrations get send trough your body.
Life couldn't be more perfect in that moment.
You doze off, nuzzling further into George's side. "Hey my darling, how about we get you into bed?", he whispers into your ear, dropping the hair strand.
You nod with eyes closed, humming in approval. Two fingers lift your chin and George places a quick, tender kiss on your lips. "Just let me say good night to Fred and get a few things.", he says. "I want to stay over at yours.", he adds as he sees the way you questioningly tilt your head.
You lips curl into a smile and you nod at him. "Hurry. I love you."
He blows you a kiss, walking backwards. "Love you too."
A few seconds later, he's out of sight.
His seat quickly gets taken by Katie Bell, a Gryffindor girl from your year you usually don't spend much time with.
"Hey Katie. How are you?", you ask, a polite smile on your lips.
She wears a rushed expression and her legs bounce as she leans closer. "There's something you need to know.", she says. "It's none of my business but we girls must stick together."
You frown. "What do you mean? Why so cryptically?"
She turns around, checking the common room, then turns back to you.
"Katie you make me nervous.", you laugh, trying to ease your nerves.
She opens her mouth again. "I overheard Fred and Lee talking in front of the locker rooms earlier. You know, after quidditch practice. They talked about a bet."
Still not knowing what she's trying to tell you, you motion her to keep talking.
"I'm really sorry for you, but the bet was about you. From what I heard, Fred and Lee both bet George he couldn't get you to fall in love with him. They offered him 20 galleons if he wins."
Your jaw drops and so does your stomach. A sudden coldness takes over your limbs. A bet? 20 galleons? George? No, there's no way.
Furiously, you shake your head. "This can't be true. George would never do such a thing."
Katie nods, pulling out her phone from the pocket of her black robe. "I thought so too. But I recorded them. Just in case you wouldn't believe me.", she says and taps the screen a few times.
Then she holds the phone so that you can see the image of Fred and Lee, mostly covered by a wall. The picture is grainy and blurry but when you tap  to start the video, their voices are crystal clear.
"Man I didn't think he would take it this far.", you hear Lee.
"Same bro. It's kind of cruel."
"True. But we came up with the bet, so we're not exactly innocent."
There's a hint of remorse in Fred's voice as he says: "It's just a bet, nothing serious."
Lee laughs. "George really earned those 20 galleons."
They continue speaking, but you can't hear them anymore. Your ears start ringing as the realization settles in.
It was a lie. Everything. Your whole relationship was a lie. 4 months wasted, and what's even worse, your heart torn to pieces. The video is unmistakably.
You vision blurs with tears. A soft touch in your shoulder makes you jump. "I'm really sorry.", Katie whispers, carefully squeezing your shoulder before getting up.
Before your tears start streaming down your face, you get up and stumble towards your dorm when a arms snakes around your waist. "I'm back.", George says, smiling wide.
However his smile drops as he sees the tears dwelling in your eyes. "What happened? Are you okay?", he asks, grabbing your chin.
You flinch from his touch. "What to you care.", you scoff.
"What do you mean?"
A hollow laugh escapes your mouth. "20 galleons, George. That's how much my heart is worth to you?"
You still had hope that there was a logical reason to explain the video, but as his face drops, you know it's true.
George opens his mouth, reaching out for you. "Please let me-",
You interrupt him. "I hope it was worth it.", you croak, wiping a tear from your cheek and turning in your heels to run up the stairs faster then you ever did before.

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