second chance trope (oliver's version)

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Pt 1: "Ugh, I love your bed

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Pt 1:
"Ugh, I love your bed. It's so comfy.", you moan as you drop yourself to Oliver's bed. His scent fills your nose and you immediately relax.
"You literally have the same exact bed.", Oliver says as he opens his laptop.
"Yeah but mine does not smell like Oliver."
He turns around in his chair and looks at you with furrowed brows. "I didn't know that was a criteria."
You lean back onto your elbows. "Well, now you know. And now stop talking and put on the movie."
Oliver gets up and salutes. "Aye, ma'am."
You laugh at his goofiness; that's just how Oliver is. All though on the quidditch pitch but a silly idiot when he's with you.
One of the reasons you fell for him in the first place.
He drops next to you and places the laptop on his knees. One arm snakes around your waist to pull you on his chest, where you rest your head.
Cuddled up, you start watching a movie. As the characters speak and interact, Oliver absentmindedly slips one hand under your shirt and strokes the warm skin on your back.
You smile to yourself and enjoy the quality time.
After and hour or so, you get thirsty. Lifting your head, you look for something to drink and spot a bottle of water on the nightstand.
You scoot up a little higher.
"What are you doing?", Oliver asks.
"Nothing. Keep watching."
You bend over his chest and reach out for the bottle, when all of a sudden, Oliver snatches his phone that was laying next to the water bottle.
He presses it to his chest, his eyes wide.
You stop your action. "Geez, Ollie! What was that?", you ask confused and a little worried.
You can hear in his voice that he's lying.
You sit up. "Oliver, I just wanted to grab the water bottle. Why the hell did you snatch your phone like that?"
He sighs. "Just let it rest.", he says, rolling his eyes at you.
Truth is, you can't let it rest; you are too curious to what he's hiding. Oliver never hides anything from you, so his behavior is suspicious.
You watch Oliver shoving the phone under his pillow. Then you lay down on his chest again, waiting for him to fall asleep.
With time, his breath steadies and when you look up, you see his eyes are closed. He's asleep.
Careful not to move to fast, you reach over him and very slowly pull the phone out from under the pillow. The second you have it, Oliver wakes up again. Quickly you snatch your hand back and get up ad run to the bathroom.
"Y/n!", he yells and gets up, running after you.
You slam the door into his face and sit down on the toilet. Thank god you know his password. You open a group chat between his friends and scroll trough the messages.
Oliver starts banging on the door. "Fuck, y/n, give me my phone back! Now!"
You reply: "Why? What are you hiding from me?"
Another bang. "Just give it back!"
You ignore his continuous yells and bangs and start reading again.
Until a minute after, you read something that cuts like knifes through your flesh.
"So, Oliver how's it going? Already lured y/n into your bed? Time's running."
Another friend responds with: "I knew he wasn't going to make it. You'll miss on these 20 galleons ."
Your heart literally shatters. You feel it fall apart.
So that's what he was hiding: the fact that he only slept with you for 20 galleons.
You feel the urge to throw up, but bite it back.
You continue reading. Although it was obvious in his texts that Oliver was uncomfortable with his friends and the situation, he didn't quit the bet.
You get up and wipe your tears. I have to get out of here.
When you open the door, you find Oliver sitting on his bed. You can tell by his puffy eyes that he has cried too. "I'm sorry.", he whispers.
You sob. "You're a liar, Oliver. Everything is a lie."
Without hesitation, he drops onto his knees. "Not everything. I swear to Merlin, I love you!"
A hollow laugh escapes your lips. "Why didn't you tell me about the bet then?"
"I was afraid I was going to loose you.", he croaks.
Tears start running down your cheeks again and your heart clenches as he starts crawling towards you.  You force yourself to turn away. "You did loose me.", you whisper and grab your bag.
Before Oliver can get up on his feet again, you have already left.

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