second chance trope (ron's version)

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Pt 1:

„Ronnn!", you slur and attempt to drop yourself onto the empty seat next to him. Thanks to your drunken state, you almost drop to the floor.
Ron catches you and pulls you into his lap instead. "You're drunk, aren't you?", he speaks into your ear.
"Nope, I'm not!", you reply, laughing.
"Mhm, sure. Let's sober up.", he says, squeezing your waist before placing you on the couch. He gets up to grab you a water.
The now empty seat next to you gets taken immediately.
"Hey, y/n. Where did Ron go?", Seamus asks with a smile just as wide as yours; he's drunk too.
"I don't know, but he'll be back soon I guess."
You lay your head back and close your eyes.
After a minute or so, Seamus opens his mouth again. "You know, I'm really impressed that you forgave Ron.", he says.
You turn your head. "What do you mean?"
Seamus shrugs his shoulders. "I dunno, I expected you too dump him after-"
"Piss off, Seamus.", you hear a angry voice. Ron is back, holding a cup in his hand.
"Oh, is that water? I'm dying of thirst!"
Without taking his eyes off of Seamus, he hands you the cup. "Here you go."

Seamus gets up to make place for Ron, but drops on the armrest of the couch.
"So what were you saying?", you ask Seamus between sips.
Ron pats your knee. "He's talking nonsense. Seamus is drunk.", he smiles at you. But something about his smile is odd.
However, in your drunken state you let it slip.
Seamus does not bring it up again and neither does Ron, so you lean against him.
"Let me take you to bed.", Ron says after a while.
He does as he said and tugs you under the covers before slipping into bed next to you.
When you kiss him, the incident with Seamus gets wiped from your brain and you fall asleep peacefully.
The next morning, you wake up on your own with a note on your pillow. "I'm grabbing you something to eat, wait for me.", it says in Ron's familiar, untidy handwriting.
You fall back into the pillow and reach out to blindly grab the bottle of water from your nightstand. Something drops to the floor. It's Ron's phone. You sigh and bend over to pick it up again, when a notification pops up on the screen.
It's Seamus: "sorry for almost giving you away last night, i was drunk. but you should tell y/n soon."
With furrowed brows, you remember the conversation you and Seamus had yesterday. He said something about being surprised you didn't dumb Ron, didn't he? Your memory is a little foggy, but that much you can remember.
You know it's wrong, but you let curiosity get the best of you and unlock the phone. A feed of messages opens and you start reading.
After a few scrolls, you read your name.

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