Don't Know

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On the way to the clinic, Isaac and Stiles told Stephanie the truth about what happened to Josh

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On the way to the clinic, Isaac and Stiles told Stephanie the truth about what happened to Josh.

Once they got to the clinic, the three quickly got out of the car and walked into the clinic. Hearing them coming, Theo walked into the main room from the backroom. "What's going on?"

"Whoever's stealing the bodies probably isn't going to do it while we're standing guard over one of them." Stephanie explained as she, Stiles, and Isaac walked into the backroom where Josh's body was. Theo rolled his eyes at Stephanie's words. "So you've got a better idea?"

Stiles turned to Theo. He didn't answer his question as he turned to one of the shelves and placed his phone on it, making sure the camera lens was pointing right at the body.

Stephanie scoffed at the phone being out in the open. She walked towards Stiles and moved him out of the way. "Dude, at least hide it better." She grumbled, grabbing random bottles of powder Deaton had, covering the phone, but making sure the camera was still pointing at Josh.

they all walked back to the Jeep, Stiles in the drivers seat, Theo in the passenger seat, and Stephanie and Isaac in the back. The three supernaturals watched as Stiles placed his watch that showed what his camera was filming onto his rear view mirror.

"What happens now?" Theo asked as Stephanie and Isaac got comfortable in the backseat, moving around so both of them were partially laying down.

"We wait. We might be here a while since whoever takes the bodies come whenever." Stephanie groaned out once she was comfortable. Theo looked back at her before turning back to Stiles, silently asking him if she knows about Donovan. Stiles bit his thumb nail, nodding.

Theo sighed, looking at the couple through the rearview mirror. "You want to take shifts watching?" He asked, but before either of them could answer, Stiles scoffed. "No, no. I want to spend some quality time with my favorite people; you and Isaac."

Isaac rolled his eyes as Theo smirked. "Sounds good to me." He muttered, readjusting his seat to lay back before Stephanie grabbed the seat adjuster with her powers, pushing him back forward. "You're gonna smush me, Raeken!" Stephanie yelled.

Theo laughed, remembering when they were little and Stephanie would yell at him for pushing her down the slide before she was ready. He turned to Stiles beside, thinking he'd be laughing with him, but Stiles sent him a glare.

Theo's smile fell, pulling his lips into a line. "You still wondering why I haven't said anything to Scott?" He asked and Stiles huffed. "Maybe." He grumbled while Stephanie snickered. "Kiss ass." She whispered.

Stiles and Isaac both laughed, Stiles's a lot quieter while Isaac's was loud, quickly trying to hide it when Theo whipped around to glare at Stephanie.

Stephanie gave Theo a cheeky smile. He turned back to Stiles and raised his brows. "Would you believe me if I said all I want- all I've ever wanted is for you guys to trust me?" He asked and Stephanie let out a small hm. "Told you. Kiss ass." Stephanie whispered loud enough for Stiles to hear and Theo rolled his eyes again.

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