Paint and Powder 1

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//OK, everyone, I'll be adding one new girl to each of the five chapters of the story with a list of the girls that are currently in the story, so if you don't know who's here in the reaction room, just look at the top of the story.//

//Let me know the characters you want added to this story; I might add them later in the story.//

Crimson Axis girls: Bismarck, Z21, Z2, Kaga, U-556, Prinz eugen, Ayanami, Akagi

Azur lane girls: Belfast, Laffey, Unicorn, Javelin, Hornet, Enterprise, Prince of wales, illustrious





Hey - talking
'Hey' - thought
Hey - viewing
Hey - information

The sound of birds could be heard outside with what sounded like a waterfall nearby. With many of the girls gathering around the dining room table especially the Sleepy ones who are just waking up, with the only one who was fully awake is belfast. As she notices Bismark and Laffey are the only ones missing out of everyone.

Belfast: has anyone seen laffey and bismarck any where?

Kage: please tell me we did not loose laffey

Z2: you dont care about bismarck miss kaga?

Kaga: yes i dont care about bismarck cause she's a grown women

Enterprise: lets give them some more time to get up while we prepare breakfast

Javelin: plus laffey wasnt in her room so i can only guess that she found a nice place to sleep

Ayanami: that does sound like laffey based on what you told us javelin

As everyone who was awake got ready for breakfast bismarck came into the room with laffey up against her chest like a small baby, due to this all the young ones let out ssemi-quiet laughs so not to wake up laffey while the older ones couldnt help bit smile at what looked to be mother and daughter like moment between bismarck and laffey.

Wales: i would never had imagined you as a motherly figure bismarck~~

Bismarck: what do you mean wales?

Wales: why i mean little laffey that you are carrying around like a mother to her young

Bismarck looks down at her chest with a fave of confusion but her face slowly slips into a look of realization at what wales meant about a mother with her young. As she finally sees laffey being held in her arms while cradling laffey to her chest.

Bismarck: we shall never speak a word of this to anyone understand

Eugen: why cause you dont like the thought of being a mother bismarck~~

Everyone went on to eat breakfast as they were eating the younger ones talked about things that were interesting to them with javelin mentioning that she wished there was an upgrade for vestal to become like the spirit of fire causing enterprise to freeze up at the mention of UNSC vestal of her nightmares. As everyone finishes eating and cleaning the dishes, and table they all head back to the couches to sit down while the screen starts to beep that the new viewing is ready to be watched.


"A ship is always referred to as 'she' because it costs so much to keep one in paint and powder."

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