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                      I am painting in the workshop, Masson is
sitting beside me creating a master piece and I am disturbed by yesterday. My
heart broke when I was saw them like that… Olivia and Edward are in
relationship… they kissed….

   I feel like crying but I gulped some water
and continued to do my work. Masson whispered, “you don’t look good Amber… you
ok..” I just passed him smile and said, “I am fine…” Eva was asking about me
moving out suddenly too.. but I didn’t told her… I just don’t want to be near
Edward, I won’t able to hold it for long… I will get more hurt… why I liked him
and why I loved him… I was stupid and foolish…

the workshop ended Masson asked, “what to hang out  on weekends?.. we can go downtown shop for our
online store…” I nodded and said, “ok… see you later…”

  I went in the car and Eva was driving me to
the office, Eva asked, “Kid… you seem off… what happened?”

   I sigh, I know she won’t stop till I tell
her. I said, “I  just miss my mom…” I
lied… but not completely.. I do miss mom… but now something else hurts.

   I walked in my cabin and sigh, I looked
through my phone until Olivia disturbed me. she stood in front of me and
smirked, I rolled my eyes and ignored her…. I hate her existence, why does she
even bother me when she haves him.

    Olivia said, “Miss. Amber… check this
file…. And I don’t like mistakes… I mean Edward also don’t like it.” I ignored
her and took the file.

  I said, “get lost.”

  She chuckled and said, “you know… behave
well… don’t you remember last time how Edward scolded you, I am not the person
you should mess with…”

 My feat tighten, I got up with a smile and
said, “well looks like you have plenty time to bitch around… just do it
yourself.. and it’s an order from me… do it now….”

    Her eyes went wide, she said, “you can’t
order me… you don’t have right over the company…”

  I scoffed as she said this, I said, “I can
order you…. my dad didn’t said anything about you, Edward is my guardian so he
is an exception… just get the f*ck out and stop bothering me…”

  I saw her jaw clenching, I am angry and
called Mr. Hyde. I said on the phone looking at Olivia, “Mr. Hyde…. I want you
to cut pay of Miss. Olivia since she refuses to work…”

    Olivia said in disbelief, “you can’t do

   I said to Hyde on phone, “you can take my
sign if your Mr. Edward don’t agrees…. You know who I am…”

  I ended the call and then said to Olivia,
“take this file and yourself out of here….” I handed her the file, she was
angry. she walked out in anger. I know she is going to tell Edward and he will
scold me. but I don’t care…. I really don’t… I am hurt and broken….

  I sat on my chair and I didn’t realized I was
in tears, I wiped my tears but they won’t stop, after few minutes I heard a
knock. Edward walks in and I wiped my face.

   He looks indifferent, he is here to talk for
his girlfriend. He sat in front of me and then said, “What to explain?”

  He wants me to explain about what happened to
Olivia. I said, “what is there to explain, don’t you know already what

    Edward said to me looking at me, “I don’t
know what happened that you left my place without considering to tell me…. Amber,
you left like that… why?”

  So he is asking about this, but if I tell
him…. I shouldn’t, it will make me a fool. I said, “Mansion was renovated…
wasn’t I supposed to go there…”

  I avoided looking at him, how can I look at
him when he kissed someone else… or I am the third wheel here.

  Edward said, “be clear, Amber…”

   I said to him, “don’t call me that…. Mr.
Rae…” his eyes reflect surprise as I said this. I saw his feast tighten, he
said, “now I am Mr. Rae… you are being extremely professional…. I see….”

    He said, “is it because you don’t need to
be comforted, you don’t have nightmares… you are fine now… you don’t need me,
right?.. or is it because you find someone… Masson… is that his name?”

  I looked at Edward as he said this, he has no
right to complain when he is dating someone… we were nothing… I said, “it
doesn’t concern you, Mr. Rae… why are you spying me?”

   I can tell he is angry, he said to me, “I
don’t need to explain. Why did you cut Olivia’s pay?... was it revenge for that

  I got up and said, “I don’t need to explain…
as you don’t…” his eyes sharpen… he bite his inner cheek and I walked passing
him as I said, “I going back… I don’t feel good..” I took my bag and walked out
of the room leaving him behind, I wiped my tears as I walked out of the hallway
going in the lift.

 The lift was going down when I said to myself,
“don’t cry… please sttop…”

 The lift door open, I saw Hyde entering. He
looked at me and said, “Miss. are you crying…. What happened?.. I will tell
sir.. he might help you..”

    I said, “no.. I am just not feeling well… I
told him, and I am going home..” Hyde looked at me as if he was trying to
believe to my story, but he nodded.

  I went home and I immediately went to my art
workshop, I uncovered mom’s unfinished painting, I looked at her in the picture
and said, “mom…. I miss you… I love him, but…. He doesn’t…. I lost again,

   I cried silently, I heard a knock on the
door and I am so annoyed. I opened it to see Aunt Linda. She said, “Miss… you
are early, do you need anything to eat… Miss. Are you crying?.. god! what
happened child..”

  I sigh and said, “please leave me alone…” I
closed the door and took some paint and brushes to paint… I am going to pain,
this is the only thing that makes me happy then… I should be happy… at least

  I continued to pain the remaining of mom’s
painting. I need to distract myself… that’s what I want… to escape and run away
from these things….

Can't You Be Mine Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora