Chapter 27

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Two months later

Before next month arrives, I need to start searching for a college that suits my preferences. However, I have lost all motivation and my new tutor, Miss Kels, hasn't been able to reignite my interest in college.

After what happened with me and Beyoncé, it has caused me to distance myself from her, but I don't care because her calling me out of my name was completely crazy. I would never do that to her, she's lucky I love her because I promise you if it had been any other chick I would've punched her in her mouth.

"Okay, write your name and the date right here. Then begin your test" Miss Kels said.

"No. I'm going home.." I said while packing my stuff.

"This session isn't over until 2 p.m." She said.

"Bye." I said before walking out the door.

I lived just two blocks away from my current location, and my mom was disappointed with me for not continuing with "Miss Knowles." She admired Miss Knowles for her teaching methods and the way she looked after me.

I didn't explain to my mom what happened or why I decided to stop attending Miss Knowles' sessions. All she knows is that I disliked her teaching style and wanted something different.

While walking home, I saw Jordan.

"Megan." Jordan said.

I ignored him and kept walking.

He followed me and kept calling my name.

"Megan.... you know you hear me."

"What Jordan?" I said with an attitude. I stopped walking and looked a him.

"Why are you acting like that?" He asked.

"Acting like what? I told you we were done." I said.

"I love you though, I can't let you go that easily." Jordan said. He opened his arms to hug me, but I declined the hug. I knew if I hugged him, he would assume we were back together.

"I have to get home. I have a lot of stuff going on right now." I said before walking off.

When I got home my momma eyed me.

"Miss Kels called." She said with her arms crossed.

"Ma I can't do this anymore. I'm over college." I stated.

My momma scrunched her face. "Over college? When you were getting tutored by Miss Knowles, you were motivated and already looking at colleges.."

"Well, she's not my tutor anymore. I can choose if I want to go to college or not, and I choose not to." I stated before walking into my room.



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Shawn and I have become closer during the time I haven't been around Megan. I've been on vacation from work, but it's become difficult for me to go out now. People constantly approach me because they recognize me from my video "Partition" with a surprising 100 million views.

I'm also pregnant!

2 months to be exact. Shawn, my sister, mom, and Kelly - my best friend who is currently out of state for work - are the only ones who are aware of this. However, I prefer to keep it a secret for as long as I can since I value my privacy.

I had a crazy experience with Megan, but I have moved on from it. She was behaving disrespectfully, and I acknowledge that calling her a "bitch" was an excessive response.

It was difficult for me to communicate that we couldn't continue our relationship because I still had feelings for her, and it pained me to cause her pain, but it had to be done.


Unknown voice: Hey!

Beyoncé: Hello, who is this?

Lisa: Megan's mother, Lisa.

Beyoncé: Oh!! Hello!!! How are you?

Lisa: Great, I have a new job and I have extra time with my girls since I've had my divorce. Life has been better than ever, how are you?

Beyoncé: I'm glad you're doing better. I'm okay, just living life and giving myself time to relax.

Lisa: Great. I wanted to inform you that Megan has been struggling in her tutoring sessions. I understand that it is not your responsibility to look after her or continue tutoring her, but I wanted to highlight that her progress was notable when you were working with her. Not only was she becoming more intelligent each day, but her behavior also showed improvement. She grew closer to her sister and exhibited fewer negative attitudes. I know that she is practically an adult now, but she is still my child, and I only desire the best for her. She has until next month to select a college, but she seems to have given up on that.

Beyoncé: I'm sorry to hear that. If you need help convincing her to allow me to tutor her again, I'm willing to assist. But I highly doubt she would be interested in seeing me again.

Lisa: I'll text you if I can get her to change her mind about everything. Thank you!

Beyoncé: No problem!

I hate that I was put in that situation because I honestly blame myself for everything. I could've made different decisions, and I chose the wrong ones. Maybe her mom can change her mind, or maybe I can apologize for what I said to her.

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