Chapter 34

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*1 week later

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1 week later

Struggling to maintain composure, tears well up in my eyes as I sit on my bed. Moving forward seems almost impossible, as hard as I try. Although the doctors allowed me the opportunity to witness my babies, I couldn't bear to see them in their lifeless state. That haunting image would be etched in my mind for eternity...

As I entered the kitchen, the sound of the doorbell reached my ears. Curiously, I glanced through the peep hole and spotted two police officers outside my door.

Shawn ran downstairs. "Who is it?"

"The police..." I said.

Shawn scrunched his face and opened the door. "Hello.." Shawn said to the two policeman.

"Hello, is Beyoncé Knowles here?" They asked.

"Yes, she is.." Shawn said.

"We need to have a conversation with her regarding the circumstances that caused her to be hospitalized." One of the officers said.

Shawn signaled for them to enter the house. I headed to the living room to take a seat, although I'm not inclined to discuss it. I understand that they are obligated to gather all the details.

The two officers followed behind me and sat down on the couch next to me.

"We only have a few questions to ask, and then we'll leave you alone. I understand that it's difficult for you, and I'm sorry for your loss. My wife went through a similar experience and her reaction was quite terrible, but I can tell that you are resilient and will undoubtedly overcome it." The officer said. "I'm officer Ronald by the way."

"Thank you officer Ronald." I thanked him.

"Will you explain to me what happened that night?" Officer Ronald asked.

I nodded my head. "A friend requested my assistance in picking her up from a party as she was drunk. I went to get her, but instead of taking her home, I decided against it because of the distance and my exhaustion due to the late hour. When we arrived at my house, she began to playfully hold me tightly, causing discomfort. In response, I pushed her away, which resulted in her pushing me back forcefully, causing me to fall forward and land on my stomach with great impact. This caused me to lose my breath and began to panic. Subsequently, I started experiencing intense pain and noticed that I was bleeding, causing me to feel extremely weak. At that point, I realized the severity of the situation and instructed her to call 911."

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