Chapter 43

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Megan is correct, I am in need of healing. I continuously approach Megan inappropriately and say things I shouldn't, but my love for her is genuine and I simply desire to be loved and listened to.

I am determined to confront Shawn and reveal the complete truth about everything and the reasons behind it. If he chooses to report me for engaging in inappropriate behavior with one of my students, then so be it. Whatever happens, happens because I am desperate to break free from this depression that has consumed me. There was a time when Shawn meant everything to me, but once we became engaged, my perspective on him changed. He is not the man I thought he was, as he allowed a difficult period to hinder our love.

Before Shawn entered the bedroom, I whispered to Megan. "After completing this task, my priority will be to work on myself and improve, so that I won't burden you with all of my emotions and problems. I have noticed how much you have grown since the last time I saw you, and I genuinely love and appreciate you."

"I love you more every single second I'm with you." Megan whispered. "Please don't make this long, because I'm getting claustrophobic in this damn cl-"
Shawn walked in the bedroom.

I took a deep breath and sat on my bed. "Hey..." I said.

"Why are you looking like that?" Shawn asked and threw his bags on the floor.

"Like what?" I tilted my head.

"Like you've been crying, your mascara is messed up." Shawn looked at my face closely.

I wiped my face with my shirt. "Shawn, we have to talk." I stated.

"Nah, Bey." He shook his head while taking off his shoes. "Last time, you was on some shit."

"You don't listen to me, you're just not mentally there for me anymore." I said. "I miss the old you.."

"Stop saying stupid ass shit like that Beyoncé, I'm fucking here for you regardless of how caught up you are in your delusions." Shawn raised his voice.

"Stop yelling.. just sit down and talk to me." I covered my face as I felt tears coming down. "Please.."

"No, I'm about to take a shower." Shawn stated.

After removing my ring, I got up and expressed, "I used to love you deeply.." I glanced downward before meeting his gaze. "However, now I'm uncertain." Tenderly, I took his hand and placed the ring in his palm.

Shawn gazed at the ring. "Baby..."

"Baby? Nig-" I heard Megan and I coughed two times so Shawn wouldn't hear her.

"I'm's over Shawn." I said lowly.

Shawn paced the room back and forth. "Ain't shit over." He pushed me onto the bed with force.

I let out a groan of frustration. "It's finished! I've had enough!" I yelled. "A couple of years ago, Megan and I engaged in certain activities that shouldn't have taken place at that time, and I deeply regret not disclosing this to you sooner. But, I must confess that I love her. If you feel the need to divulge our relationship to the world, go ahead. I deserve the consequences because I was in the wrong. I'm being completely honest with you now because I can no longer bear the emotions I'm experiencing. I'm not ending our relationship because of her, but rather because you fail to treat me as the woman you supposedly love. Your absence and the way you yell and act aggressively towards me have become unbearable. I simply cannot continue like this any longer."

Shawn backed up. "What?"

I straightened up and moved towards the end of the bed. Shawn closed the door to the room and secured it with a lock. Although I felt frightened about what was about to occur, I was determined to assert myself and remain courageous.

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