Chapter 33

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Terry Arden

I must have been seeing doubles. Phillip was being held by my hand, but he was twirling constantly. Once I got close to Vanessa and Leon wearing a gray hoody jacket and jeans. Stepping close by, I heard the two of them talking in hushed tones. It was like Vanessa felt my presence. 

She turned to me. "Morning. Going to train?"

I cut my eyes away and shrugged. "Yeah, just for today."

Though I didn't expect to see Kimani here. He actually came to my house where I was hanging with Tallman and Joshua.

Tallman and Joshua were laughing about breaking into Donavan's car before Kimani came.

I was suffocated by the weight of their admission and to be fair, I hoped to distract myself from that by being here.

Thankfully, Kimani told me he was coming here and I jumped at the opportunity to leave. I picked up Makada too.

The question still burned in my mind. Should I tell Donavan or keep my mouth shut?

Leon said, "Great, we need the new members."

Nodelyn walking up to us three. “He is usually a busy businessman, so he only plays sometimes.” She took Phillip from me.

“Me wan’ play!” Phillip shouted, yet Nodelyn frowned at him. 

I rubbed his head. “Not today pickney. Stay with your mother.” 

Leon directed at Nodelyn. “Hey, what’s with the parasol?” 

“Sun hot,” Nodelyn smirked.

He stood, and pushed his fists into the pockets of his hoody. “Can’t be that hot.” 

"Roll in, we hav' to get this over with." I left with Leon to where the others were stretching in the middle of the field. 

The grass was shorter here and I found a good number of sections with pure dirt.

The only new person that I did not know was a shorter man who was in the process of taking off his shirt. Makada took off her shirt as well. Her bra was tightly held to her body and was more like a blouse as it's end stopped above her a navel. She had carved and chiseled abs.

Donavan shivered and his lips started floundering in its appeal. "Oh, you don't have to take off your shirt."

Makada looked up with curiosity. "Hm?"

Leon mumbled something incoherent before he spoke more loudly, "He don't want us to stare at you."

Donavan directed a frown at Leon.  Makada smirked with a tilt of her eyebrows. "This is a sports bra. It's fine boys."

The new guy wrapped his clothes next to the other's clothes on a grassy patch. He also deposited his two smartphones, earring, a gold watch, and his many rings on his shirt. 

I asked, "You play sports before haven't you?"

Makada smiled. "Yes, I've played a lot actually."

"Eh?! Damn you jumping into another one?"

Makada twisted her lips into a contorted frown and glanced away. "What can I say, I just haven't found the one, I guess."

Donavan said under his breath, "Hopefully you stay long in this one." He projected his voice. "All right, come in guys, come in. All right, all right we're going to do some jogging, so you're going to run laps. Run until you cannot anymore. Try your best." He clapped and shouted, "Go, put your back into it. Let's go, let's go!"

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