Chapter 23. First Year Results Time!

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The days without Raghav and his food and their cycling practice did go as peacefully as Shrishti wanted. But it was also mind numbing. Shrishti had nothing to do the whole day and all she could do was lounge in the living room and watch all kind of mind numbing shows. She wished for the future where web series were a rage, available on phones and had something interesting to watch every time. Sadly, she was in past where only TV shows available for daily viewing and also online viewing were romance dramas or kitchen politics between the ladies of the house.

Sometimes Shrishti wished her Dadi, her Chachi and her Bua actually fought like the ladies in those shows just to have some entertainment in her life. Sadly, Dadi was a nice mother in law to Chachi and a supportive mother to Bua and Chachi and Bua got along with each other too well.

During one such boring day, Shrishti got the news. Results were coming out! Shrishti threw her hands out and shouted, 'Finally!', when she got the news. She needed a break from her monotonous life badly. Already four weeks had passed since college ended. Now she can get results, apply for next year, get the books and maybe even prepare beforehand by reading those books. The possibilities were endless!

With eagerness Shrishti called her friends and all of them decided to meet up on the results release date and check their results together.

'You seem very excited today. I did not know your exams went so good that you are this eager for results!', her Pappa commented as she stared at her phone with happy expression while they had their breakfast.

Shrishti shook her head. 'Who cares about the results, Pappa! As long as I pass I don't care. First year marks and second year marks are irrelevant. Passing is enough.'

Her Pappa huffed. 'We spend so much money sending you to the best college and this is what you kids think about studies! My God! What is the world coming to?'

Shrishti chuckled at those words. 'Don't worry, Pappa. This year I worked hard! I promise, my results will be better than last few years! And just like in last few years, I still passed, this year I will pass too! And the most important year is final year where the marks determine the future! Nobody cares for first and second years, Pappa!'

'My daughter has become wise!'

Soon the result day came and Shrishti eagerly waited at the gate for her friends to come. Beside her, Arpit looked eager too. He had come over early morning asking if they could go together as he was still in too much pain to ride cycles. Shrishti agreed and now both waited for their friends. Soon Divya and Daljeet arrived. There were hugs traded around and as they headed into the college, Shrishti noticed that Daljeet and Arpit were giving each other sweet smiles. They even started to talk with each other softly which left Shrishti with Divya. Divya gave her a knowing smile and Shrishti grinned back too before they chatted about their vacations.

As they neared the college, Arpit groaned loudly making Shrishti and Divya turn to where he was looking. Sharad stood there, smiling at her.

'What does he want?', Arpit growled.

Shrishti narrowed her eyes for few seconds before they widened. 'That's not Sharad. That's Shashi, his cousin.' She eagerly walked towards him and he grinned widely.

'What are you doing here?', she eagerly asked as she reached him. She was pulled into a hug right away and Shrishti's brows went up. They did chat regularly and were good friends but so good friends that they shared a hug? She did not know Shashi felt they were that close. She pulled away and they grinned at each other brightly. As he stepped back, he frowned. 'No hello! No good morning! Direct question! Direct attack! I am heartbroken!'

Shrishti giggled at that before curtsying and saying in the most dramatic manner with her hands waving all around, 'Hello my dear friend! How are you? How have you been? Don't you think the weather is perfect for results day? Sunny and cheerful, as bright as I feel about my results. By the way, my dear friend, what are you doing here in these parts of the woods? Fancy a stroll?'

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