Chapter 44. Bad day to Good day

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Shrishti wondered what big sin she had done in her past life to warrant this? Did she murder someone or something? Or did she ruin someone's life or something? Oh wait. She did ruin Arpit and Daljeet's love story in her first life. Maybe this was her punishment for that. Because nothing else could explain the day she was having.

Shrishti's day started with her legs burning due to cycling the whole way to college and then being mocked by Pratik about still being interested in Sharad and then crashing into Sharad and being mocked again and then Sharad coming to her with the request to forget the past, as if she hadn't already done that, and now this. This being Ronnie, her cousin, standing in front of her, giving her a patronising smile, babbling about some nonsense about plans and tricks and being fake. She tuned him out after first few seconds as she could not make a head or tail out of his words.

'What do you want?', Shrishti asked tiredly. She was done with this nonsense and the day was not even over. Forget the day, the morning was not even over. She still had economics notes to check and copy for God's sake! Here she was coming out of washroom after the confrontation with Sharad only to be confronted by the moron called her cousin. Once again Shrishti would like to know; what big sin had she done in her last reincarnation to have a day like this! Why were the people she wanted to forget kept coming in front of her? What was next? Dadi and Ishita coming over to meet her? If that happened, she was moving colleges and cities! She could not handle the torture of the people she did not like confronting her all in the same day!

Shrishti sighed. She was being dramatic now. But she was so tired of Sharad and his friends already. And it was just the week start. Weekend was so far away!

'I want to talk to you.', Ronnie replied.

'Obviously! Or why else would you be standing here?', Shrishti retorted. Yes, she was being rude. And no, she did not care.

'You are rude, sis.', Ronnie pouted.

Shrishti narrowed his eyes. 'Sis? Who is your sis? Did you not refuse to acknowledge me when we were in college?'

Ronnie looked away awkwardly. Shrishti smirked. She was not the puppet who danced to his tunes anymore.

'Fine. Pari. I am here to talk....', he trailed off when Shrishti raised her hand to stop him.

'Don't call me Pari. Pari is the name people who know me from home call me. My family, Arpit, Raghav, Megha and other aunties in my society and our other relatives call me that. You should not call me that in college. You never called me that in college. Remember?'

Ronnie swallowed at her words. She was not wrong. He rarely spoke to her. And he always called 'oye' or 'ae' when he wanted to talk to her in college. Also he always ignored her or avoided her in college so he never felt the need to use her name.

'Fine. Shri. I......', he once again trailed off when Shrishti raised her hand to stop him.

'You are not so close to me to call me Shri either. Think twice. What people will think?', Shrishti looked at him with wide eyes. This was becoming fun! Watching Ronnie flounder around was worth being accosted by him, she decided. She wanted to try and see how much she could throw him off with her words.

'What people?', he roared, 'There are no people here!'

Shrishti shrugged, her eyes still wide. 'They might come anytime!'

He sighed. 'Fine. Miss Shrishti!', he said her name with gritted teeth and she had to press her lips together to not laugh at his face.

'I want to talk to you about something.'

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