Chapter 29. The dam of patience breaks

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Shrishti came out of her room the next day morning to a silent house. And it was only fourth day of her Bua and cousin's stay. She wondered what was in the store for the day as she headed for the breakfast. She was not even surprised to find only her Pappa there.

'They are still not coming out?', she asked as she sat down and was served her breakfast.

Pappa shook his head. 'Both of them ate early and left for your Chachu's house. They will spend the day there. It was in their plans.'

Shrishti nodded. 'Yes, normally during vacations, Ishita spends a week there atleast. But this time she is only here for a week. It is understandable that she went there for a day. By the way, why is Bua here? Normally, she drops Ishita, stays the night and leaves for Chachu's house next day morning and leaves Chachu's home to go back to her home by evening. And then she does the same thing when she comes to pick Ishita up at the end of the vacations. How come she is staying whole week this year?'

'Because it was only one week.', Pappa explained, 'There is no sense in coming first day and going back second and then coming back on sixth just to go back on seventh. It would be tiring for her.'

At lunch, Shrishti happily went over to Raghav's home. She paid him back for the dress, took photos of his lunch, posted it online and happily ate lunch with him and Megha. Then Megha came with her to her house where they settled on the living room floor, on the carpet and happily played snake and ladders and ludo before pulling out scrabble.

In evening, Shrishti went out to cycle. Megha cheered for her and Raghav jogged beside her while she rode the cycle. During that time, a car came to her house. It was Chachu's car! Her eyes lit up as Chachu got out. He must have come to drop Bua and Ishita, she mused when she saw the mother daughter duo get down from the back seat.

'Chachu!', she called out before cycling over to him. Her Chachu smiled at her and happily shook hands with Raghav before taking a hug from Shrishti. She said her goodbyes to her friends before following Chachu, Buaji and Ishita in.

'Did you see, Maamu? That was Raghav, Pari Di's boyfriend.', Ishita said. Her tone was playful and yet Shrishti felt her hackles raise. She could not help but think that Ishita was deliberately trying to get Shrishti into trouble. She pushed the thought away. Maybe she was being unnecessarily suspicious and reading into things that weren't even there. Just then Bua hushed Ishita. 'Stop poking your nose into other people's business, Ishi.', she scolded Ishita.

'You have a boyfriend now?' Chachu sounded amused as he looked at her. Shrishti huffed as the four of them sat down in the living room.

'If I had, wouldn't you have known it already, Chachu? After all, you are one of my favourite people!'

'Only one of? Not the favourite?' Her Chachu pouted playfully.

Shrishti shook her head and grinned. 'Papa is my all time favourite.', she declared.

Shrishti continued to chat with her Chachu for a while before the man left to talk with his sister who was once again in the kitchen, making something for the family. Shrishti stood up to go to her room when Ishita's words stopped her from leaving.

'Bade Maamu's favourite! Chote Maamu's favourite! Both of them love only you!'

Shrishti sighed, shook her head and reminded herself that Ishita was a teenager and was full of insecurities like every teenager. Heck! Shrishti had been an adult once and she still had insecurities. Surely, Ishita could be forgiven for being young and stupid when Shrishti had done worse when she was the one being young and stupid.

Shrishti decided to continue walking away. Ishita did not seem to like her lack of reaction though, as she did not let go of the matter easily.

'Both of them love you. Now even my Mumma adores you. She has been doing nothing but praising your calm manners and maturity the whole time she was at Maamu's! It is ridiculous! Why do you get all the love and not me?'

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