Chapter 8 : A Lesson to Remember

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It's been a few days since you first traveled amongst the shadows with Riki and a few days since Heeseung first asked everyone's opinions about moving. Since then, the youngest prince has stolen a few additional opportunities to ask you to shadow jump with him. At Heeseung's request, an older prince is always present whenever the youngest prince practices his newfound abilities with you, carefully watching over the two of you until Riki fully masters the advanced skill.

The thought of moving still weighs heavily in your mind. The topic sparks a winding internal debate that always ends with you drawing the same conclusion with the same only reason that holds you back. The princes have noticed that you seem to be quite troubled by this decision. They've been unsure of how to approach you carefully, afraid to come across as pushy. So, they've watched you worriedly from afar, until this morning that is.

The early risers were all gathered in the kitchen for breakfast as usual, and there was a comfortable chatter taking place amongst everyone. Right when you had gone to take another bite of food, Jake brushed by right behind you and stopped to lean down to whisper in your ear.

"Meet me in the music room after breakfast, sweetheart," he murmured before proceeding to drop his dirty dishes off at the sink. You sent the prince a questioning look, hoping he would further explain his plans, but he simply walked away without sparing you another glance.

"You should go," Jungwon urged after Jake left the kitchen. You had been staring dumbfoundedly at the door, and when you turned to look at the younger prince, there was a knowing smile pulling on the corner of his lips. When you studied the Jungwon's irises, you found an unnamed emotion swirling around in them. It was enough to tell you that whatever Jake had planned would be a fun surprise.

Now, you stand apprehensively in front of a familiar set of double doors, one hand placed hesitantly on the gold door handle. You're uncertain why you're feeling so nervous. It was a simple request, and despite only having met the princes over a week ago, you would quite literally trust them with your life without any hesitation. So, without much further thought, you finally muster up the courage to push open one of the doors to peek your head into the room.

Jake's head snaps toward the direction of the door the moment he hears the doorknob's gears click. When he meets your gaze, he looks somewhat relieved. "You came," he sighs softly.

"You thought I wouldn't?" you question, finally stepping completely into the room and closing the door behind you. Now that you're finally visiting the room in the daytime, you're once again floored by the beauty of its lighter design. The sunlight streaming in through the windows in the back of the room creates a warmer atmosphere and the entire room is practically glowing magically.

"You looked doubtful when I left the kitchen earlier," Jake shrugs.

"Because you didn't give me much context," you bite back but there's a teasing smile resting on your lips.

"Right, my bad," the charming prince chuckles. "We've noticed that you've been a bit conflicted lately. So I thought revisiting your favorite instrument would help ease away some of the stress." It's then that you finally notice the beautiful gold-gilded chair, the chair you claimed in your past life, set in the center of the room. Behind it lies a well-kept cello made of light brown wood that carries hints of warm orange and gold mixed into its body. The prince walks over to you and offers you a hand. You take his hand and allow him to lead you over to the chair.

"Jake," you giggle. The prince beams at you with a wide grin when his name tumbles past your lips so effortlessly. He swears the sound of your laughter is far more beautiful than any classical piece ever composed. "I might have been able to play in my last life, but I don't know how to play the cello in this life."

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