Chapter 13 : The Lost Monarchy

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"Tell them exactly how you heard it, Princess," Jake urges you somewhat urgently, his grip on one of your hands tightening slightly. You, Jay, Jake, and Riki just returned from the market not too long ago. You had entered through the kitchen's back door in favor of immediately unloading the fresh food into their respective storage locations. Yet, the moment the four of you entered the castle, the other four princes were already eagerly awaiting your arrival. At first, you assumed they wanted to catch a glimpse of what you brought home from the market, but Heeseung explained that he received an urgent telepathic call from Jay a couple of minutes prior, asking everyone to gather in the kitchen.

"Well, I was in the back of one of the shops when I overheard two townspeople talking," you begin to explain. "It sounded like a younger woman and her grandmother."

"Were you alone?" Sunghoon frowns, casting accusatory glances at the three princes who accompanied you when you nod in confirmation.

"Hoon-ah, no matter how protective you might feel, the princess is still her own person and grown enough to wander off on her own. She's not a child that you need to keep an eye on constantly," Heeseung reminds the younger prince gently.

"That would be a bit weird if I were a child," you chuckle awkwardly.

"Well, if we are speaking in terms of quantitative age, you're like a child compared to how long we've lived thus far," Jay hums in thought.

"And does that change if we were speaking qualitatively?" you muse, instantly picking up on the hidden message.

"Yes, yes it does," the second eldest nods without explaining much further. However, his lingering glance that trails over to Sunghoon and Riki gives away the two princes he believes to be immature at times.

"Was she at least visible from where you guys were?" the hybrid prince murmurs dejectedly, head hanging low.

"Of course, Hoon," Jake reaffirms the sulking prince.

"What was the conversation about?" Sunoo asks, urging you to continue your original story.

"Well, the older woman was talking about how she suspected that the three men at the front of the store were powerful vampires."

"The three men being us," Jake clarifies rather cutely. Almost as if he were boasting the fact.

"How did she know that?" Jungwon questions. His eyebrows furrow while he's deep in thought, trying to map out the thought process of this older lady. 

"She said it was a gut feeling," you shrug. "The younger woman seemed to doubt her suspicion and suggested they consult the other vampires living in this town to confirm."

"Wait, other vampires?" Heeseung stops you. A small frown settles on his lips as he stares at you in utter disbelief. It's the same expression Jay, Jake, and Riki wore when you first told them what you overheard back in the town.

"From what I heard, it sounds like half of this town's residents are vampires," you confirm.

"Why didn't I sense them when we first moved in?" the eldest asks rhetorically.

"I'm still a little confused about that. I heard the younger woman talking about how the other vampires would have sensed you guys, especially since you're all more powerful vampires. What exactly does sensing another vampire entail?"

"It's just like an innate gut feeling, I suppose – almost like a sixth sense? The best way I can describe it is like when humans experience the feeling of the hairs on the back of their neck standing because they can feel someone enter the room before they see them," Jay tries to explain. "We're also able to sense their powers. The stronger they are, the stronger their aura. It's like a buzz that comes from within our bodies."

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