Chapter 14 : Dear Friend

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The layout of the royal family's main castle is rather similar to that of the castle you and the princes currently reside in. It too has one main building where the guests are entertained. Beyond the main building, the castle has two additional buildings – a western building and an eastern building. While both buildings have recreational rooms on their lower levels, the upper floors of the western building are guest suites, and the eastern building contains the royal family's rooms. Much like your current castle, both buildings are connected to the main building on ground level and through exterior walkways on the upper floors. And as the main building was intended to host guests during banquets, balls, and important meetings, it houses the largest rooms in the castle.

"Let's check on a few other locations before we head to the library," Heeseung says as he leads you through the main building, almost approaching the western corridor. The castle's interior is cold especially now that the sun has set, but you can feel a faint pulse of heat coming from the lantern that the prince holds in front of your bodies. "We'll start in the main kitchen."

"There's more than one?" you question, slightly surprised, but also not too shocked. You are in a home built for royalty, after all.

"There are smaller butler's kitchens in the back of the western and eastern buildings. They were included for their close proximity to the sleeping chambers, for easy access and quick preparation if needed. But if we don't find anything in the main kitchen, I doubt we'll find anything in the butler's kitchens. I already suspect we won't find much in the kitchen, to begin with," Heeseung nods, pushing open a set of swinging double doors to reveal the sizeable room. 

The sight that greets you shocks you more than the state of the grand foyer. All of the cabinets have been completely emptied with most of the doors broken off their hinges to expose the bare shelves. There's an ocean of broken glass and porcelain littering the floor. It's nearly impossible to step foot into the room without stepping on a broken shard.

"What on earth happened?" you gasp, bringing your free hand to cover your mouth in shock. The eldest prince's grip on your other hand tightens as he inhales deeply. His gaze zeroes in on the highest shelf of the display case in the back of the room. The family's most prized tea sets used to sit on that shelf whenever they weren't in use. He and the other princes had been a few of the lucky guests deemed special enough to have the privilege of using the collector's tea sets during each of their visits. Heeseung can still faintly recall the sweet flavors of the afternoon tea, each distinct floral and fruity note, that lingered on his tongue each time they chatted with the queen in the rose garden outside. But now, on the shelf is an empty space less the dust that has accumulated over time.

"The queen used to keep her favorite tea sets there," Heeseung explains, pointing at the top shelf. "I can't help but wonder if someone purposefully took it because they knew how much it meant to her and the rest of the family."

"Or maybe the royal family knew about the impending attack and were able to take it safely with them while they fled in advance," you propose, trying to stay optimistic for the sake of the grieving prince. Even then, you know deep down that your theory is a far stretch.

"If they even got the chance to flee," he mutters bitterly under his breath.

"I'm sorry, Hee. This must be shocking and very hard for you and the other princes to see," you frown, using your thumb to rub comforting circles against the prince's skin. You take a couple of steps closer until you're leaning into his side. When Heeseung feels you lean your head onto his shoulder, he leans back into your touch. The two of you stay like that for a couple of minutes, simply enjoying the comfort the other provides, before the prince finally peels away.

"Let's go check the ballroom in the eastern wing," Heeseung declares, taking a deep breath in and willing himself to stand a little taller. You walk silently beside the prince as he leads you back to the main building and down the eastern corridor this time. When he finally pushes open another set of double doors, a breath of relief slips past his lips. "At least this room looks the same."

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