[Chapter 1] - Awakening

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An unfamiliar heaviness on my whole body caused me to stir from my sleep, although I know a person's sense of time is dissociated when asleep but it still felt like I've slept for only a few minutes or so, my vision was also muddled and my breathing sounded muffled.

I groaned before pushing myself up but the realisation of just how heavy I felt weighted me back down from the unexpectedness, I briefly noted my groan reverberated against something.

It sounded like an echo or when a sound is held within a metallic armour from all those movies with knights or men in iron suits but this isn't important at all because right now, I should be tucked in my bed yet I found myself waking up with my body seemingly armoured.

"What the heck..?" I groaned again, hearing my voice unchanged from before.

I looked around only to get a double take before I looked around again, this time faster and with even more shock mingling with fear and surprise, I was not in my room anymore but instead; a forested region with the stars and moon shining on me.

I stood up instantly, walking around the small clearing I found myself in only to find more trees greeting my sight as I took in the scenery, how did I get here when I was safe in my home?!

Is this a damn prank? If so then it's a really terrible and cliché one.

"Great prank, whoever you are! Now come out, you assholes!!" I shouted, following my thoughts but receiving no replies in return.

Great again, looks like they left me to find my way out of here by myself, rude bastards... now, what's up with my... get-up? And why does it look so familiar to the point I'm having troubles believing what I am seeing or if I'm seeing correctly?

Black as ink with cold metallic surface and edge and spikes, my hands were adorned in a pair of gauntlets with sharp claws along with my entire body, the boots I wore were heavy yet I felt no resistance for when I walked with them.

My body was completely donned in black-metallic armour with silver chains decorating its plating along with the intricate and dark ornamental designs on every layer of the armour.

Now while I sometimes forget about irrelevant or relevant stuff, I still know that I should AND must be wearing my pajamas and not this dark armour instead!

In fact, it wasn't the thought that it looked familiar which shocked me, it was the fact that I KNOW it looks familiar and why it does that shocks me.

How and why on god's green-ass earth and under heaven and above hell am I wearing the goddamn freaking Daedric Armour set from Skyrim?!?!

OKAY! Calm down! Calm down! Calm the hell down!


I can't calm down, where am I? How am I here? Why am I here? What is going on? Did some weirdo decide to set up a prank and kidnap me and then stuff me inside a Daedric Armour?

Still... this armour is really well-made, it even feels metallic and sharp... are there tiny audio machines inside here? Because I can hear whispers all around my head.

Wait, not important! I still don't know why am I here or how did I get here in the first place! Is this a kidnapping? A ransom? My family lives a rather ordinary life so unless my abductors demand something stupidly excessive, I'm better off being trafficked to god knows where.

"Goddamn, what the hell is this crap..?" I muttered, crouching down before smacking my hand against my helmet, making a resonating sound.

My point still stands though, really well-made replica of the Daedric Armour.

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