training gone wrong

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A/N Hello everyone! Welcome to the next chapter! Hope you like it and have a great day!

No one's pov

Yang and Y/N arrived at the battleground in the school. Sophia who was following them sat on a nearby bench.

Sophia: you can do it big brother!

Yang looked over to see Sophia.

Yang: you may look strong but I'm no push over (she holds out her hand for a high five)

Y/N looked at her hand curiously and lifted his own hand in the same way. Yang looked at him quizzically.

Yang: have you never done a high-five before?

Y/N shook his head.

Yang: oh well it's like this

Yang used her other hand and hit her palms together in a high-five.

Yang: see! Nothing to it

Y/N looked at his palm and hit Yang's palm with a little bit of force. Yang smiled at him and pumped her fist into the air.

Yang: alright! Let's do this!

Yang and Y/N got on opposite sides of the arena as Sophia could be heard cheering for the two.

Yang looked to Y/N and he nodded as they both took off towards each other.

Y/n replaced his hand with the drill and Yang activated her gauntlets. They clashed together Y/N using his drill like a shield as Yang punched him.

They both flew backwards and Yang shot at Y/N through her gauntlets and Y/N dodged and pulled out his rivet gun firing a few rivets at Yang. She dodged them flawlessly and went to punch Y/N again.

This time it connected in the stomach with a loud BANG of metal upon metal and Y/N staggered back. He swung his drill at Yang to which she barely dodged. However as she looked she saw some yellow strands of hair on Y/N's drill. Y/N looked at his drill and looked at Yang and shrugged.

Yang's eyes turned red as Y/N turned his head.

Yang: you monster! You touched my hair!

Yang punched Y/N in the stomach even through the armor that hurt him as she punched him again and again.

Yang then picked him up and threw him against the wall as he slumped.

Sophia not knowing what to do ran and went to get Ruby and the others as Yang started punching Y/N's helmet.

Y/N tried to defend himself but being on the ground he could barely put up a defense. Plus with Yang's insanely powerful punches and how fast she was punching his helmet started to crack.

Yang's pov

Saying I was mad was an understatement. I was beyond pissed that my hair was cut. I just kept punching over and over I wanted to hurt him badly.

However I stopped when I noticed that I saw some color in the rusty armor. I noticed there was a big crack along the helmet and as I looked inside I saw a boy I saw a little bit of H/C hair but what caught my attention was his E/C eyes. They were beautiful, I gazed into them however I saw his eyes go from shock to fear.

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