everyone feels

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Hello everyone! I hope you enjoy this part and have a good day!

One week later
Yang's pov

It's been a days since I talked with Ozpin and I haven't brought myself to see Y/N. I know he hates me after what I did.

I was walking down the halls of Beacon when I saw him in his typical suit as Sophia was in the basket on his back. I just decided to leave for class. After class was Lunch so I sat with my team and team JNPR. We were all having a nice conversation when I heard the small pitter patter of feet and small arms wrapping around me.

Sophia: Yang! Hello!

Yang: hey Sophia! What's up?

I said as I picked her up and put her on my lap so far no one seemed to bat an eye at us in the cafeteria.

Pyrrha: Yang? Who is this I don't think we've met

Sophia: oh hi! I'm Sophia I'm here with my big brother!

As she said this we heard the echoing footsteps of the rusty armor. I looked around and saw mostly everyone staring and him... And us.  He stopped at our table and waved.

Jaune and Nora looked at him and smiled

Nora: woah! Cool armor!

Jaune: Nice to meet you im Jaune

Y/N groaned in response and waved as Sophia turned to them

Sophia: he says hi!

Nora: can he not speak?

Sophia: no he can only groan

Pyrrha and Ren however looked a little uncomfortable with him.

Pyrrha: so what's with the suit? Seems a little old fashioned...

Sophia: it's what he wears to protect me!

Things were awkward, Blake fidgeting a little and Ruby was twirling her thumbs while Weiss had her head in her hands. Everyone was now staring at us and I didn't really like it.

Yang: alright well Y/N it was nice seeing you

Y/N only groaned and looked at me

Yang: Well you see were trying to eat before class starts and we wanna talk with our friends.

Sophia: but arnt we friends? Can we stay?

Yang: no- listen we just wanna eat ok?

Y/N only turned his head to the side and I finally had enough with the awkwardness as Ren and Pyrrha were staring at him.

Yang: look we just want to talk in peace ok? So can just please leave us alone?!

Blake: we would like to eat with our friends...

Ruby's eyes widened in shock even Weiss looked shocked I guess they didn't expect that reaction out of me and Blake even I didn't expect it . Sophia squirmed on my lap.

Y/N stood frozen for a few seconds before he let out a low groan and nodded. The groan sounded... Sad as the iron giant walked away. The table was quiet until Sophia hopped off my lap and glared at the 2 of us.

Sophia: you big meanies! He just wanted to say hi to his friends! Big brother wait up!

Sophia ran away towards Y/N and I have to admit I started to feel guilty I could tell Blake did to based on her expression. However Sophia came back with a pout.

Yang: hey where's Y/N?

Sophia: he left he told me to stay here.

We talked granted it was a little less enthusiastic as before Sophia didn't mutter a word just played with a plushie that looked like Y/N.

Ruby: Blake, Yang what you did was kinda mean he just wanted to say hi

Weiss: who cares? He's not a student at this school plus he's dangerous do you see the drill on his wrist?

Nora: but he was cool looking did you see that armor?

Ren: he did look cool but the no talking makes it a little weird

Sophia: well he can't help it it's not like he doesn't wanna talk

We all looked at Sophia truth is I knew why he couldn't talk but I didn't say anything. No one really minded what she said I ate my lunch and waited for lunch to end.

A few hours later

Classes finally ended and now I'm just relaxing. Sophia was in the dorm playing with the plushie again. It was strange Y/N didn't come by to pick her up. As a matter of fact I didn't see him at all usually he's in the hallway with Sophia or something.

I decided to head out of the room, I got up from my bed to leave.

Ruby: where ya going sis?

Yang: just for a walk I wanna clear my head

Ruby: ok be careful

I left the dorm by now it was dark and I walked outside into the moonlight. As  I walked through the outside of Beacon I saw him the iron giant. It was strange that he was still awake.

I tiptoed over to him and gently tapped his shoulder, he jumped a little and turned around.

Yang: hey Y/N! What's up!

He looked at me for a sec before waving, the lights on his helmet glowed green. I looked at him and sighed.

Yang: hey Y/N?

He tilted his head and I was fidgeting my fingers.

Yang: I... Wanted to say I'm sorry... For what I said back there it was pretty harsh I know you wanted to just say hi to us.

Y/N put a hand up and shook it like he was saying it was alright.

Yang: I'm not done... I'm also sorry for getting mad when we were in the arena I know it was probably scary for you when I saw you... So I'm really sorry and I hope we can still be friends.

I looked down I figured he was gonna walk away or something but he didn't. Instead he held up a hand for a high five.

My sadness quickly died away to happiness and I high fived him as I laughed a little.

Yang: oh man your a nice guy say do you wanna hangout with me tomorrow during lunch?

Y/N groaned and nodded as I gave him another high five

Yang: alright! See you tomorrow then Y/N!







No one's pov

The soft pitter patter of footsteps could be heard running. A girl that looks to be around 8 wearing a a blue and white dress with a pink bow on the back. Her eyes were glowing as she ran, She held a syringe with red liquid in it.

As she kept running she ran into someone. She looked up to see a girl with black hair and a bow on her head looking at her with a surprised look on her face.

Blake: are you ok?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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