Chapter 13: Big Trouble on a Little Journey

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Rowena continued to look around, searching for clues as to what was going on, until she had to turn back to the two people now behind her. They seemed a bit surprised, but not at all frightened.

"Are you not scared?"

Iris blinked, looking at the young woman in confusion. "Should I be?"

You would think she would be, seeing a drake so soon after the incident at Eisenwacht, but there was nothing to worry about in her eyes.

"I don't know, that's why I'm asking," the now brown-haired girl admitted truthfully.

"Since the guards didn't alert the city patrol, there's no need to worry. It must be an expected guest." Expected, or at least authorized, though the difference was nil, since the common folk wouldn't have known either way. "Were you not aware?" Ansgar asked.

'If I had been aware, I wouldn't have asked, Sherlock.' She swallowed a biting remark, because the old man wasn't to blame for the situation. "I'll have to go and check. If we don't meet again, wait for my return after I have successfully traveled back from the Lodden Empire."

They bowed slightly. "I pray for your safe arrival, Young Lady Rowena." There was a mother's warmth in Iris's gaze as she said this, making it seem as if she meant it.

Rowena could only nod and return the blessing before hurrying off in the direction her second brother and the knight he had left behind had disappeared.

"Sir Yaakov, what is going on?"

The tanned knight faced the chateau, his jaw visibly clenched, brows furrowed, but he turned to his lady with a gentle smile. "Nothing to worry about."

They hadn't been informed of anyone coming over on a Drake, but there was only one person who could have been given permission to enter their airspace on short notice anyway. 'No, it's actually two people, but one of them is highly unlikely to show up here right now,' Mizrahi thought, knowing the trouble that was up ahead.

"We need to go immediately. Where's Norina?" he heard the woman murmur in distress.

"Logan will bring her back. Sir Sean went back first, together with the young master. You don't need to worry." His intention was to calm her down so she wouldn't panic, but as he looked at her, she didn't seem to be panicking at all.

She was a little restless, granted, but not out of fear. 'I don't like being left in the dark like this,' Rowena thought as she continued to scan the area.

She had already gone through the possibilities, but what Ansgar had said made sense. This probably wasn't an attack, because everyone around them showed surprise and a bit of concern, but none of the people on the square were outright scared.

With that information, as little as it might have been, she could tell that there was no need to fall into a frenzy. But she didn't like being left out of the important things, especially when it was something big.

She was still new to this world, after all, and there were so many questions she couldn't answer.

Sensing her impatience, at least, he put a hand on her delicate shoulder. "Let's go, Lady Rowena."

It took them a few minutes to reach their destination, where they saw a drake racked up near the stables, though of course there was no stable for this one. It was as big as a pickup truck and, sitting on its hind legs, at least nine feet tall.

Someone had placed a huge bucket of what looked like drinking water in front of it. It was fascinating to Rowena, but she couldn't linger on it for long, because her eyes were on something else.

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