Chapter twenty

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Audriana POV

there's a difference between loving someone, and being in love with somebody. The difference is in the way your eyes look at them, the way you touch them, the way your body reacts to them, and the way that every time they do something, no matter how little, your whole world spins. 

I do strongly believe that Leah loved Jordan, no matter what their relationship was or how long it lasted, she did love the girl. She always would, she was her teammate for years, she knew a part of Leah that I never knew how too. 

I don't really remember how things were with Leah exactly, I remember the little moments, I had always known that she had loved me, but the risks it came with was what had always held me back. 

When I was a teenager and dating the blonde, she was so focused on her career. I was more focused on getting high and drunk to deal with my mothers death but Leah? she had wanted no part in that. My lifestyle had become a huge conflict a few months after we had started dating, those months were ones I was quick to forget. 

Leah and I dated for 9 months before we broke up, and then we had got back together three months later, and broke up a year and a half after that. That last time had meant for good. The last time we had broken up, it was three months after the accident. 

I had taken Leah out to dinner that night, everything was so perfect. I paid and it was the start of something so amazing, I gave her a promise ring, a promise that I would forever be committed to her and her dreams. On the way home, a drunk driver in a truck completely rammed into us, we hit us head on. I had always blamed myself for not seeing him driving on the wrong side of the road, I had been to busy looking at Leah. 

The blonde had gotten the brunt of the accident, she broke 3 ribs and she had a concussion. We had just celebrated her singing for Arsenals first team, meaning she would also be benched and couldn't practice for a few months. I was so scared that I had single handedly ruined her career. I remember I sat in her room, and left before she was able to wake up. Leaving flowers and a note. 

3 weeks after the accident, my album had been released and it was immediately a hit. With a nomination of the Grammys, I took off to Hollywood with my dad and older brother, Noah, while Jackson and Jenson. 

But, Leah and I had always been complicated. 

Right Person, Wrong time, whole kinda thing. 

"What'd you say?" Jackson begs 

"I didn't answer" I shrug

"Why do you put yourself in these situations" Jackson scolds me "Just shut up and kiss the girl"

"one of us always gets hurt Jackson, I'm not doing it again" I respond surely 

"Promise me you'll think about it?" Jackson asks as Isabella runs into the room 

"I-Fine" I say, lifting the girl into my lap 

"You ready for soccer?" Jackson asks our niece, Jenson was working late again leaving us to take over his parenting duties, and lord only knows where Noah is. 

"Yeah! Is aunt Leah still taking me?" She asks me

"Aunt Leah can't drive right now baby, I'm gonna take you" I tell her 

"Leah always takes me to get ice cream after" She tells me with a smirk on her face 

"I guess we'll get ice cream after practice then" I say and I watch as the smile on her face grows "But, you have to score a goal for me"

"Deal" She tells me as we interlock our fingers

Watching Bella practice, it reminded me so much of Leah when we were younger. I remember standing in this exact position watching her, except she had been the one showing off on defense on a boys team. Always side tackling, trying to impress me. 

"Gives you flashbacks, doesn't it?" Amanda asks me, scaring the living shit out of me

"Whole town does" I joke "What are you doing here?" 

"Your brother asked if I could pick her up from practice, he didn't tell you?" Amanda tells me

"No" I say as she laughs 

"Jenson never was great at communicating" Amanda says and I nod in agreement 

"How's Leah's knee?" I ask her 

"She's still sore, and pissed off that she has to rely on other people, god forbid" Amanda tells me 

"Long day?" I ask with a laugh

"You have no idea" She says shaking her head "I remember you standing by my side in this exact position, 20 years ago" 

"Only difference is that I'm taller" I joke

"You're an ass" She says hitting my shoulder "Come over for dinner tonight, Please" 

"I don't know Amanda" I say 

"For me? Please" She begs 

"My brothers are going, you have enough Moore's bothering you" I try 

"They don't compare to having my girl back at the house" Amanda says, giving me the 'mom' look

"Okay, I'll go" I tell her, I watch as a smile on her face grows and she pulls me in for a hug "I owe the toddler ice cream though, she's got 4 goals already" 

"Shame on you for betting against her" Amanda tells me, shaking her head "I think she might be even better than Leah was" 

"She's got the determination, I'll tell ya that" I say confidently, watching my niece dribble around her own teammates before sending in a cross to her right midfielder. Her team was doing a small scrimmage, she was on the U8 Lions, the youngest on her team at only 5 years old.

"Now, catch me up on you and my daughter" Amanda says smirking 

"Where do I even start?" I say with a laugh

"Ibiza" She responds 

"Not even our whole teenage love story?" I tease her

"You really don't think we didn't hear you sneaking into our daughters room every night?" Amanda asks with a laugh and my jaw drops "Tell me about Ibiza, Audriana"  

A/N - not proofread but when are they ever tbh

well hope ya enjoyed, new chapter probs out Monday?

The Great Love Story - Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now