Chapter twenty-two

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It wasn't often that it snowed in London, a lot of rain yes, but rarely any snow. Audriana could always tell when it was about to though, a gift passed down from her mother. The distinct smell, the way the sky moved, the way the frost felt on her little nose. 

"Leah, that tree is the size of a pick-up truck...standing up" young Audriana argues, the girls were fourteen years old and it was at the peak of Leah's football, as well as the peak of Audriana's crush on the girl. Audriana's dad had decided to take the family to go Christmas tree shopping, of course had left no time between thanksgiving and December 1st. This year, he had also taken Leah, the deciding factor being how inseparable the two girls were. 

it was snowing, falling all over the girls faces and making them wet as it dissolved. Leah had a hot-chocolate in her hand, and she was wearing a red arsenal jacket, an arsenal beanie and little mittens. Audriana was sporting a hoodie which she had stolen from the blonde, a nike one, and she had herself covered in a red and black plaid blanket. An arsenal logo on the bottom, another item she had shared with the blonde. 

"It's pretty though" Leah argues 

"and I'm cold" Audriana says crossing the blanket over her body, wrapping it around tight. 

"I think Noah is trying to pick out a wreath, we can go inside the barn" Leah says, wrapping her arms around the girls waist from behind. 

There really was no wonder why Audriana had been so quick to fall for the blue eyed girl. 

"Let's go Lee" Audriana replies, a content smile on her face, one that only seemed to come out around Leah. 

The two girls walk together into the small barn, lighted up by fairy lights and light Christmas music playing in the background. 

"oo I love this song" Leah says 

"Dance with me then" Audriana says, holding the plaid blanket close to her body with one hand and giving Leah her free one.

"No" Leah says adamantly 

"Dance with me Lee, you know you want too" Audriana says, a smirk on her face. Leah laughs as she takes the girls hand and starts singing the song, Audriana spinning her in circles and the nerves in both girls stomaches doing the same. 

"Do you remember Chucks Christmas tree farm?" Leah asks randomly, the couch in the living room being a barrier between the two girls as tension fills the air. 

"The one we went to every year?" Audriana asks confused "Why are you asking me this"

"Dancing with you, in that barn...that was the night I realized I had feelings for you" Leah tells her with such vulnerability laced throughout her tone. 

"That was the year we were friends with benefits" Audriana says, a smirk on her face "Said you wanted to practice and I had all the experience you needed"

"I know" Leah says quietly, probably embarrassed "I never stopped loving you Audriana. Believe me, I tried hating you and then you showed up on my doorstep with that stupid smile of yours, picking up our niece and my heart still skipped a beat" 

"You're so romantic" Audriana jokes, she was never good with sappy moments. Always trying to bring out a light of a situation, make someone laugh when she was uncomfortable

"I'm being serious" Leah says "Please tell me that I'm not crazy, tell me that what happened in Ibiza was not just a one time thing"

"Leah" Audriana starts

"Tell me that it meant more than your making it out to be" Leah begs

"Fucking hell Leah, shut up...I have it!" Audriana shouts "Oh my god, I have to go. I love you, youre not crazy" 

"What the fuck" Leah shouts 

In my heart is a Christmas tree farm
There's a light in the barn
We'd run inside out from the cold
In the town, kids are dreaming of sleighs
And they're warm and they're safe
They wake to see a blanket of snow
Sweet dreams of holly and ribbon
Mistakes are forgiven
And everything is icy and blue
And you would be there too


Under the mistletoe
Watching the fire glow
And telling me, "I love you"
Just being in your arms
Takes me back to that little farm
Where every wish comes true
Baby, yeah 
And when I'm feeling alone
You remind me of home
Oh, baby, baby, Merry Christmas
And when the world isn't fair
I'll pretend that we're there
Baby, baby, Merry Christmas
(To you)

"I have it, I have our album" Audriana says, throwing her pen down on the desk and puts her guitar down

"Already? What are we thinking, get you in the studio by Christmas?" Her manager asks 

"Woah slow down, I have one song that isn't even finished" Audriana says, afraid she is biting off more than she can chew

"Audriana" Her manager scolds

"I have it, the album, just trust me on this. Instead of releasing the single, we release the album...we can call it 'love or lust' "  Audriana tells her

"What exactly do you have written?" the manager asks quietly in a hushed voice 

"besides Happier and Christmas tree farm? I have an idea for one more, but I'll probably have it all written by tomorrow night" Audriana says nervously

"How many songs?" Rebecca from the label asks over the phone, the sound of moving around very prominent. 

"I have Happier, Christmas tree farm, how you get the girl, dreaming, full of fear, lust or love, watermelon sugar,  and daydreaming so far" Audriana says, pulling random titles out of her ass before she gets fired

In the girls defense, she did have half of these songs written in old notebooks and diaries from the peak ages of this old crush, but she also had to come up with something fast before her label dropped her. The last thing she had dropped was her last album,  that had been released last October. It was the perfect time, and the theme fit. 

The girl grew up, they grew apart and then they grew together again. Was it lust or was it love? A common theme throughout their relationship it seemed to be. 

"Good job kid, well see you in the studio next Tuesday" Rebecca says sternly 

"Yeah of course, wait what!" Audriana shouts just as Rebecca hangs up 

"Oh, im fucked" 

That thought lived rent free in her head the whole drive home, knowing she probably scared the shit out of Leah. 

"Audriana, what the fuck is wrong with you?" Leah scolds as the front door opens "You cannot just run off like that in the middle of a conversation" 

"I'm sorry but I have my album" Audriana says biting her lip happily "I mean I have like a quarter of it, if that but I have it" 

"Wait like seriously?" Leah asks proudly

"I have to go and read my diaries from High School but...Holy shit Leah, I finally have it after over two years of writers block" Audriana says pridefully with a small laugh, jumping on Leah and holding the girl close "You did this, thank you"

"I'm not crazy?" Leah asks 

"Not at all" Audriana says, taking her hand and lifting the girls chin up as she locks their lips and kisses her. 

All of the words and emotions they had been holding back had been expressed throughout this kiss. It was what they needed to know that they would be okay. A bit of reassurance, passion, and security all told within minutes. 

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