Chapter Twenty-Three

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Merry Christmas, Happy New Year 

Here is my present to you <3

Within a week, my album was fully written and recorded. Poor Leah had been begging to hear even a small portion of it. Tonight, December 16th, I would be taking Leah out to dinner, to celebrate the album as well as a new start. 

Her knee was getting really better and quickly too, she could now walk without the crutches, slowly, but it was getting there. 

Nervously standing at the door, I fix my hair in the reflection of the window and make sure my suit is perfect. I knock, four times, our signature secret code we made up when we were nine years old. 

"You're seriously gonna make me get up? The door is unlocked" Leah curses as she limps over to the door, putting her hands over her mouth in shock as she opens it and sees her view 

"Good evening" I say, my signature smirk on but on the inside, I was absolutely dead. "Get dressed, I'm taking us out to dinner" I tell her 

"I don't even have anything to wear" she says 

"Wear the beige jumpsuit you have" I say as I walk in and over to the kitchen, putting her flowers in a vase "and be quick! our reservation at is 7" 

Leah was indeed not quick, I waited at least an hour until I saw her next. She came down, her hair perfectly curled with a natural face of makeup on. My breathing hitched as I stood up and i'm sure I had a dorky smile on my face to match the situation.

"You look beautiful" I tell her 

"Thank you for doing this" She says as she stands in front of me and wraps her arms around my neck, mine immediately going around her waist and pulling her closer. She was wearing my favorite perfume of hers. 

"Seems like we got a lot to celebrate" I say, pulling out of the hug but interlocking our fingers. As we get into my car, I make sure to open the door for her, despite her telling me she hates when I do it. 

"Where are we going?" She asks 

"It's a surprise" I tell her 

"You are so annoying" She groans and I smirk

"So I've heard" I respond, she puts a hand high up on my thigh and leans closer 

"Give me a hint" She teases

"Miss Williamson" I scold with a laugh and she backs away into her seat, laughing as well, but she doesn't move her hand. 

"How far away is it?" She wonders

"45 minutes" I say, moving my right hand down and interlocking our fingers in my lap 

"You didn't" Leah says as I pull into the parking lot of the restaurant, it was one that had been known for being hard to get into. Leah had always talked about wanting to go there and so I pulled some strings. 

"I really didn't, this was all just a joke" I say and I watch as the color drains from her face "I'm kidding love" 

I get out of the car and walk around, opening her door and grabbing her hand. Her eyes were glossy and teary. As I went to open the door for us, she grabbed my face and kissed me. Not rushed but one full of adoration and love. 

"Hi, I have a reservation for two under the name of Noah" I tell her 

"Right this way" The hostess says as she grabs two menus and brings us to our table, I pull the chair out for Leah before I walk around the table and sit in my own. "Have fun tonight ladies" 

The live band was playing in the back of the restaurant, it was filled with laugh and loud chatter. Mainly from old couples or parents just trying to have one fun night out. It was quite obvious Leah and I were the youngest ones here, it almost made us laugh. 

"Thank you for all of this Audriana, You're insane" She tells me 

 "You deserve it" I say "Do you know what you're going to get?" 

"Probably the filet mignon" She says, giving the menu a once over "Do you know?"

"I was deciding between that and the chicken parm, but ill just steal some of yours" I say with a smirk on my face. 

The Great Love Story - Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now