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Sirius Black had been nervous, he had many sleepless nights with his head filled with thoughts, he wondered, would he be a good father? His wife, Ava Black, was a kind soul, always giving more than she should. She had a peaceful aura that made everyone around her a bit curious to know what her mind contained, and her constant assurance helped. But Sirius still wasn't sure, at least not until he laid eyes on his precious daughter. At that moment, he knew. The pair of grey eyes–identical to his–that stared back at him that night were full of wonder and a flicker of mischief.

And when Ava looked over at them with damp eyes, they both knew they would protect their daughter with everything they had, they would fight off any nightmare that would try and take her away from them. Ava and Sirius might have been total opposites, but they had the same fire and protectiveness when it came to their loved ones.

But sadly any fire can be extinguished.

As the months passed, Ara made a friend. Harry Potter was a shy baby, to say the least, he had been very hesitant with his approach when the Blacks visited the Potters, he seemed curious too, every time the silver-eyed baby gave him a stumbling wave.

"Go ahead, darling," his mother, Lily Potter, would encourage him to join the little girl every time she played with some toys.

But most of the time he simply looked, with his head tilted and hair all over the place.

That was until one day, Ara seemed to be too bored to play alone, so she grabbed all of the toys she could possibly carry and dumped them all beside him, sitting down and looking at him expectantly. So Harry, not knowing what to do, looked at his father for help, but James Potter had a smirk plastered across his face as he motioned his son to play along.

After that day, Harry Potter couldn't get enough of Ara Black.

Sirius Black had to pry him off of his leg every time they tried to leave because Harry didn't want his friend to go, Ara always gave him a lopsided smile and a small wave every time she left with her parents. Sirius Black was almost jealous of how much attention and care his daughter showed the small boy.

Sirius always made sure to tell James to keep his "dangerous boy" away from his "small angel", though James would only teasingly smile at him, making Sirius become irritated with him too. However, he couldn't deny that his daughter was probably the happiest when she spent time with Harry, so her happiness made it all worthwhile.

Everything had been going smoothly, with the Order, James and Lily, Sirius and Ava, and their children.

It had been too good to be true.

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