Chapter 1 : Lawfirm

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                [ Fatima ]

Fatima is the owner of  " F.A.W  lawfirm " today is just another busy day , fatima was in her office trying to finish up on some of the case files that was piled up infront of her , she blow out her breath cause she was beyond exhausted from working those extra shifts.

Cassie ( fatima Assistant ) : Hey girl you need anything before i go ?

Fatima : Am good cass

Cassie : Okay ill see you tomorrow

Fatima : Okay girl good night

* Cassie turn to walk away but realized fatima was staying

Cassie : You staying?

Fatima : 15 minutes tops

Cassie : You say that everyday yet you be leaving at 10pm coming in at 5:30am you need some rest fatima

Fatima : " sighs" i know cass ,but i promise 15 minutes an am gone

Cassie : I know your ass not leaving in 15 minutes so ill give you an hour its " checking her watch" 5:45pm you got up to 6:45 or else am coming back here

*Fatima roll her eyes cause she know she was right

Fatima : Whatever cass

    [ FW ]

•• Its now 9pm an fatima was still at the office but luckily cassie had an emergency so she couldn't get back to the office as planned ,but she did called which fatima ignore

Fatima finally decided to head home after a long day ,she grab her stuff heading out the office not paying attention to where she was going when she bumped into someone causing all her files to fall an scatter all over the floor

Fatima : " fuck " Am sorry i wasn't paying attention

Man : Its okay let me help you

* The two began picking up the papers , fatima let out a big sighs cause all her hard word was for nothing cause she gotta assemble all those files again .....The man can hear the frustration in her voice as she ramble along while picking up the papers ....he felt bad an decided to offer her his help

Man : Am sorry but maybe i can help you put them back together

Fatima : This is 5 different cases with 25 papers each you knew how long it take me to assemble these ?

Man : " still feeling bad " Am sorry but don't you got an assistant that can help you ?.......he asked sincerely

Fatima : Yes but as you can see its late an i need these for tomorrow

* The two was finally done picking up all the papers an they was now face to face with each other .....Even thought she was pissed she couldn't help but stare at the handsome man before her ....she try not to eye fuck his body but she failed miserably so she try to hide how hot an bothered she was .

* Meanwhile the Man couldn't stop staring at the goddess infront of him she was the most beautiful woman he's ever seen ,her body was to die for an her curves was sexy asf an the dress she was wearing wasn't making it any better ....He quickly realized that he would never have such a woman an finally snapped out of it

Fatima : Thanks for the help!!

Man : Your welcome !! am Zachary Taylor the new janitor.

Fatima : Oh right i remember they was a new guy coming.i totally forgot ,but why did you come so late?

Zac : Well miss pat told me that the offices are mostly clear at 9 ....that's when eveyone usually is gone which is good time to get my job done so i can be out of here before everyone came in

Fatima : Okay well am sure she told you where everything is ?

Zac : Yes she give me a tour earlier

Fatima : Okay Zachary enjoy the rest of your night

* An with that fatima left , Zac blow his breath out cause she didn't even give him her name he brush it off an got started on his work

Meanwhile fatima just got home she through her keys an purse down an the files on the table ,she flop down on her couch looking up to the ceiling exhausted from today ...She close her eyes an couldn't help but picture the man she just met

* Wtf she thought to her self

She got up an went straight to her room an did her night time routine , after an hour she ws finish an was doing her skin care routine then it hit her that the files are a mess an still needed her attention...she blow her breath out an sit down on her bed an its like her old body give out she lay there an once again Zachary imagine was all that she could see ......She put her head in the pillow an she was out for the night .

  A/N : Y'all ready for the ride ?

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