Chapter 7 : Mircale

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One week later ......

Its been a week since everything happen an fatima has been in philly all week , everyone else went back to business but fatima couldn't find the strength or courage to go back to Atlanta just yet .Madea an fatima had a conversation a few days back about teling miracle who fatima really is but Fatima is not sure if that's a good idea

Madea : Good morning baby !

Fatima : Good morning mama

Madea : Have you thought about what i said ?

Fatima : Not this again ma

Madea : Then when fatima ? I think you should tell her she's not safe here baby

Fatima : But ma

Madea : No but Nicole , i agree to raise her an away from this life but thanks to that nutball her identity as been compromised , She's safer with you an you know that

Fatima : How are we so sure ? We dont know who else that bastard told about us

Madea : Which is why she needs to be with you , She needs to be with her mom nobody will protect her like you do

** Fatima was silent she knew her grandma was right an its time she step up an be a mom ,an considering what happen she didn't want mircale out of her sight but the question still remains , how will she react to fatima being her mom an not her auntie.

Fatima : Ill talk to her ma

Mircale : Are you leaving auntie ?

Fatima : Hey baby good morning ! Why you not ready for school?

Miracle : " sad " Am not going

Fatima : Why not baby?

Miracle : Cause today is bring your mommy day an since i dont have one am not going

* Fatima fighting back tears

Fatima : Am sorry baby , i can go with you if you like ?

Miracle : That would be great but i don't want the kids to make fun of me cause your not my mommy " crying "

Fatima : Have they making fun of you ?

Miracle : Yes they say my mommy don't want me that's why she left me

Fatima : That's not true your mommy loves you very much

Miracle : No she don't cause if she did she wouldn't have left me  i hate her " she yelled" an ran off crying jusy then fatima breaks down

Madea : Its okay baby ill talk to her

Fatima : She hates me mama i didn't mean to hurt her i was only trying to protect her " crying "

Madea : She's just upset right now baby that girl loves you

Fatima : She loves her auntie not her mommy ,Am not a good mother mama i hurt my baby now because of me kids are making fun of her

Madea : She never even told me that ,i would ask her about her day everyday an she would say it was fun she never look sad or unhappy she's always smiling

Fatima : My baby is suffering on the inside an its all because of me mama " tears falling "  She just got kidnapped because of me

Madea : Okay you need to calm down i see them eyes getting dark

* Fatima breathing increase as she started seeing dark , when ever she gets like this its no turning back the only person who can calm her down was her dad so madea held her tight so she couldn't move an dial her brother

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