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            LORELAI AND RORY were the first ones out of the four to walk into the Headmasters office. Roselyn and Danielle were right behind them, stopping in front of a women who had her head down at her desk.

Maybe she didn't hear them enter the room, or maybe she was just to focused on whatever she was doing to notice. The four were standing awkwardly as the lady didn't bother to look up and see who was there.

Lorelai glanced at her sister before clearing her throat "Excuse me..." the secretary rose her head, no emotion on her face as she blankly stared at them.

"Oh! Wow...Hi. I-I'm Lorelai Gilmore and" she gestured to Rory "this is my daughter, Lorelai Gilmore." she chucked nervously. Roselyn pressed her lips into a thin line glancing back and fourth between the secretary and her sister. She wasn't sure if she should jump in or not, but she stayed quiet.

"cause I named her after me while I was in the hospital all whacked out on demerol—never mind." her eyes widened as she caught Rory's embarrassed look, but she also couldn't stop the words coming out of her mouth "B-But we call her Rory. It's short for Lorelai but she'll answer to either one or even hey you depending on th—"

she quickly looked over to her sister "Roselyn, your turn."

The blonde tried so hard not to laugh at her, looking back at the women with a polite smile. "Hello, I'm Roselyn and this is my daughter Danielle Gilmore. Lorelai and I have a meeting with the Headmaster, is he here?"

"One moment." The women spoke, standing up from her chair and disappearing behind another set of doors.

Lorelai glanced at Roselyn with a playful glare "That's what I was trying to say."

Roselyn hummed in amusement, knocking her shoulder with hers. The doors opened again and the women appeared again "Headmaster Charleston will see you now."

Lorelai nervously thanked her as they walked into the room that the secretary just exited. Roselyn looked towards her daughter as they followed the two inside to see if there was any signs of nervousness or regret. However, the teen looked completely unbothered as she followed her mother.

Danielle noticed her mother staring and have a smile as the door closed.

"Ms. Gilmore's, i'm Headmaster Charleston." an older man greeted, shaking hands with Lorelai before moving on with Roselyn.

Lorelai smiled politely "Its really nice to meet you—Mom?"

Roselyn furrowed her eyebrows and turned to where Lorelai was looking at. It was in fact their mother sitting on the leather couch on the other side of the office. She narrowed her eyes at her mother, she should have seen this from a mile away. "What are you doing here, mother." Roselyn didn't try to sound to disappointed, however she didn't know how it came out like.

Despite Roselyn's tone, Emily plastered on a smile and replied with a civil tone. "I came to wish my Grand daughters luck on their first day of school." she pushed past the two so she could get to the two teenagers.

Emily held out her hands to hold onto the two, but Danielle tipped her body away slightly. Even though this was her first day to make a good impression, she did not like physical touch. Especially with people she barley knew and remembered.

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