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            DANIELLE KNEW THAT the headmaster would not like her aspirations. Snobby people do not believe in young people wanting to become big stars, especially women singers.

Headmaster Charleston said his hello's to both girls before asking them to discuss things separate. During his and Danielle's chat, he made it clear that becoming a future singer/celebrity was impossible and a horrible aspiration for a smart young kid.

Danielle was completely aware of how smart she was, she just didn't like to flaunt it. She was casually smart. She caught onto things quickly hit in such a way that it wasn't noticeable. The only reason she was at this school was because the other one was to boring.

The volleyball team sucked. The kids never knew how to wear deodorant and instead of sitting around all day doing nothing she could spend all day actually learning something new while she could chat with someone who wasn't Rory.

Isabelle Oakley was her cousin—not by blood but that didn't matter. They were best friends growing up and Isabelle was one of the best players on the volleyball team. Plus, the bonus is Isabelle's house was closer to the school so she didn't have to go all the way home everyday, so she could just sleep at her house.

The day was going sort of okay after the meeting. Danielle was sat in her first class of the day and her notebook was full of notes. She kinda expected the heavy amounts of notes though. She was sat behind Rory, focusing on the discussion but not bothering to answer any questions. She knew most of them, but wasn't on the mood for speaking so much this early on the year.

She didn't have to speak much though, there was a girl in her class that rose her hand before the teacher even finished what he was saying. She had to admit she was determined and very smart—but she also felt like she wasn't going to like her very much.

As she added a period to her sentence she could hear the door to the classroom opened up. "
Before she could look up the teachers voice boomed through the classroom "Mr Dugray,"

"Sir." a deeper voice spoke.

"nice to have you back." the teacher spoke, taking the note out of his hand and reading it.

Danielle glanced up at the boy and went to look down but ended up having to do a double take. Her hand stopped movie as she stared at him. He was gorgeous, much more attractive then the guys at her old school—however that wasn't much to beat but this guy was hot.

The teachers voice brought her out of the thoughts running through her mind. "Your Grandfather better?

"much better, sir."

"Good, take your seat please." he gestured to two other empty chairs.

The gorgeous blonde made his way to the back, his eyes landing on Danielle's as he continued to stare as he walked. He winked at her, a charming smirk playing on his lips and she realized she'd been looking to long. A hot blush came to her cheeks as he stood a seat a few chairs behind her.

The Dugray teen leaned towards one of his friends and whispered to try and not disrupt the teacher "Who's the new girl?"

His friend leaned back "two new girls." he corrected, "cousins or something."

Danielle could feel the eyes still on the back of her head as the bell rang loudly.

"Class dismissed!"

The students began to pack up their things and rush out of class as the teachers called out to Danielle and Rory. "Ms. Gilmore's can I speak to you for a moment."

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