Prologue: A Gambler and a Hacker Walk into Juvie...

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In a high-security transport, there was a young boy wearing a silver mask with an LED visor, and a black Uniform with red markings on it. He looked around and saw others in the same uniform but with different mask designs.

He then looked around again and saw a girl with long black drill pigtails in a uniform of gothic design.

Once the transport arrived, everyone got up, revealing they have magnetic handcuffs on their arms. Everyone walked out of the transport and found themselves in a large facility with cameras and several robots lined up on the sides.

Multiple students appear on an upper platform with the same uniform and masks, but with a white and gold design. A black robot and a white robot appear in front of the students on the main floor. A holographic screen appears and a video plays with several images regarding the academy, students, and their purpose.

"Hello students," the announcer said. "Welcome to the Eden Correction Academy for Ultimate Juveniles. Those of you who have arrived on the transports, please follow Security Droids, Black and White."

Black and White gesture the students to follow them.

"Those who have arrived on the transport are here because you have caused too many problems that cannot simply be overlooked because of your talents," the announcer continued. "You have either committed crimes or generally oppose authority. However, you are here to be given a chance to rehabilitate yourselves and be put on the right path. Classes with be focused on common subjects to give you a chance to relearn some common sense, but you will be granted a reasonable timeframe to continue furthering your talents. The students standing on the platform above you are those that seek to uphold the lawn and help you improve your behavior."

"So in other words, this is a Juvie for Ultimates," you muttered.

"They should just say that," the girl next to you muttered.

Black: "You two, no talking."

The Announcer: "And if your behavior and studies are well, you may be granted time during the weekend to be free and visit the city outside of the academy. So long as you stay out of trouble. That's all I have to say. Listen: behave yourself, and be better than what you were. Take care."

Everything's a Gamble (Celestia Ludenberg x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now