Chapter 1: Ultimate Inmates

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You and Celestia were sleeping in your rooms when your alarms went off, waking the two of you up. After putting your masks and uniforms on, you entered the living quarters, where you received messages on your E-masks detailing you directions to your classroom.

You and Celestia traveled with the other students to the classroom, where you sat at your desks and the screen in front of the room displays an AI that will be your teacher.

The class began, and everyone recorded the session with their masks so they can at least re-learn it without asking. After the lesson ended, the teacher gave everyone a thirty-minute break.

The students immediately begin talking to each other or using some other app on their masks, while you looked over at Celestia using a hand mirror to check her mask and hair.

"I hope you slept well, Ms. Ludenberg."

Celestia: "I did, thank you for your concern. And I do appreciate formality, but you can just call me Celestia or Celeste."

"Okay. Celeste, this first day of class is certainly something."

Celestia: "Indeed. The teacher is a program rather than a slightly competent person, and everyone was staying silent while they were recording the lesson."

"At least we can hear it again before any tests come up."

Celestia: "Yeah, that is why we all took it."

"So what caused you to end up here?"

Celestia: "My matches in bad parts have caused the authorities and government to send me to this academy, but I plan to be returning to Hope's Peak once my sentence is over. How about you? What are you here for?"

"I tried hacking into Eden Corp's hidden database. I got busted and they sent me here to find other uses for my skills."

Celestia: "Were you at Hope's Peak or the Institute?"

"Nope. I tried to stay hidden wherever I can, but Eden's security caught me. My luck ran out that time."

Celestia: "Same for me. Though I'll admit, I'm glad that I did not have to pay for it with my life."

"Yeah, but other than that, I think it's going to be more trickier than before when we get back to what we are supposed to do best."

Celestia: "Maybe, but I like a challenge."

You gave a soft laugh as you and Celestia turned your attention to the screen.

"So do I."

The teacher began another lesson that the students recorded with their masks. 

Everything's a Gamble (Celestia Ludenberg x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now