CH. 9 Give You Hell

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Giving Jasmine a make over was turning out to be more difficult than what I anticipated. We were at phase one of Isabel's plan. Giving her confidence. Jasmine had none of that. This phase was the hardest so far... mostly because it was the first and only one so far.

Disapproving of the little amount that Jasmine had learned so far, I shook my head. It made me cringe to see how terrible she was walking, with a hunched back. Her head down. Her legs wobbly. There needed to be a way to stop her shoulders and head from shifting forward and her chest curling inward.

"Stand up straight," Kayla ordered.

"Chill," I softly pushed her back. I was going to handle this. "Jasmine poor posture could bring you back pain later on in the future," I informed. Embarrassed, she looked down to the ground. "But don't worry, we're gonna fix that," I assured. It was going to take all night but it was going to happen. "Did your parents give you permission to stay the night?" I wanted to make sure so that we wouldn't have any problems. She just nodded.

Kayla came back with a book, "Walk with this on your head," she placed the book on Jasmine's head. "Now walk across the room," she ordered. That trick was probably not as helpful. Other ways were gonna be more efficient.

Slowly, Jasmine started walking. Frustrated by the little progress, I let out a groan. "Push your shoulders back," I instructed. She did as told but only lasted maximum three seconds. "Come on, you have to walk with confidence. Like if this is your world and others are just living in it," I encouraged. "Lift your chin up."

Kayla sighed, "Quit slouching," she was beyond frustrated. Only because Jasmine was not putting much effort into it.

On the other hand, I was a bit more patient with her. "Stand tall," I said as she prepared to walk back across the room. "Keep your arms at your side," I demonstrated. "Now walk," I allowed. "No, don't take so small steps," I corrected.

"And remember, no matter what it is said to you, do not lose your posture," Kayla advised. "Do not let people see you affected by their harsh words. Show them that their negativity does not bother you in any way," she added.

Definitely, more needed to be done. Tomorrow would be an interesting day.


Kayla and I hid Jasmine behind us at all times as we made our way to the cafeteria to have breakfast. Since we went in through the girls side of the building, Scott had not seen Jasmine yet. Some girls did but I bet they didn't recognize her. I was proud of my work with Jasmine. It was a real transformation. God damn, even I wanted to fool around with her. Jasmine was off limits though. Besides, she's straight.

At the entrance of the cafeteria, we stopped to examine Jasmine's look one last time. The recent pluck eyebrows were perfect. Let me just say, plucking those bushy eyebrows took longer than doing her make-up. The make-up made her skin look clean and smooth. Damn, I really just wanted to kiss her right now. To get it out of my system. Kayla was definitely checking her out too. This was some professional work. Props to us.
Wardrobe? When it came down to that, there was only so much that could be done with a uniform. That was phase two.

"Take off your blazer," I helped Jasmine pull it off.

"Loosen your tie," Kayla helped her with that.

"And unbutton the first button of the shirt," I instructed. Cleavage drove girl-lovers crazy.

Jasmine put her fingers on it, "But what about Ms. Lawson?" she worried.

"She's nowhere around. Anyways, she only checks the uniforms before entering class," I reminded, waving away her worries. Jasmine undid the first button. Kayla and I did the finishing touches. Everything looked good. "Baby, good luck out there," I spoke like a proud mother who was sending their child out on a mission.

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