CH. 14 Unqualified Therapist

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Telling Kayla about the strange unwelcoming feeling that taunted me while seeing Isabel being all flirtatious with Stef got her playing therapist. Holding a notebook and a pen, she told me about the three possible reasons as to why I felt that way. Curious myself, I tuned in. I wanted to get to the bottom of this. Kayla was no expert but she was my best friend, in other words, my personal therapist.

Welcoming me to lie on the school library couch, she pulled up a chair for herself. Smiling to help me relaxed, she put on a pair of glasses without the lens. The 3D movie theater glasses. I thought she had gotten rid of those a long time ago. Apparently not. And why would she bring them to school for? Could it be because of casual Friday?

Tapping the end of the pen on the notebook, she got started. "Miss Everdeen," she addressed me as such. Amused by how she was treating this as, I playfully rolled my eyes. "There's three possible reasons for the jealousy that you encountered," she stated.

Sighing, I sat up, "Cut the crap," I tossed a book at her. With quick reflexes, she dodged it. "Kay, treat this as a serious matter," I nicely requested.

"Will do," she grinned. "Reason one; your jealousy could be because you're catching feelings for little miss booty call," she listed. Developing feelings for her was not it.

"I'm surprised that you even included that one," I snorted. "Trust me, it's not that. When I think about her, I don't have any romantic interest in her," I assured.

Kayla squinted her eyes at me, "Keep an open mind!"

"Chill, I am but that's not it," I reassured. Grabbing several magazines from the coffee table, I started stacking them on the couch.

Fingers snapped, "Eyes over here!" Kayla forced me to look at her. "Nikki, you need to be open to the possibility," she insisted. I made a blah blah blah talking hand movement. Putting me in line, she smacked my leg with her notebook. "Respect me!" she demanded. "God, you irritate me," she sighed and straightened up. "Reason two," she moved on. "You got jealous because you feel some sort of ownership over Ms. Hart," the words were coming out of her mouth but she seemed doubtful.

"Um?" I motioned for her to elaborate.

She let out a small groan. "You have a special bond per se," she added and paused. Another groan escaped from her when I gave her a puzzled expression. "Sex," she rephrased. "Suddenly, someone new comes in as a threat, threatening to take the attention that is already given to you," she explained further. "It's like when someone likes you but you don't like them. As soon as that someone starts liking someone else, even though you don't like them, you get jealous because they're giving the same attention that was once promised to you to someone else."

"Huh?" I scratched the back of my head.

She rolled her eyes at me, "When you were little, did you have a toy that you never played with but as soon as someone else tried to, you quickly claimed it because it belonged to you?" she used as an example.

I shook my head no, "I was never that selfish," I denied.

Not believing a word, she made a face, "Weren't you the one who broke a little bell on a kid's head in kindergarten for taking your crayons?"

Oh wow, that's not how the story went. "That was not me," I denied. "When I was in kindergarten, a girl in the first grade named Violet broke a bell on a boy's head because he grabbed Rosemary's 64 crayon box," I clarified.

"But you once told me another story then," Kayla got lost in deep thought. Remembering, she snapped her fingers. "You pushed someone off a chair for grabbing your unused crayons!" Confirming the story, I nodded. "See! You did not want those crayons but you didn't want anyone using them."

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