Chapter 5: Witches?

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Alison's POV

It's almost dinner time when we walk into the packhouse, the twins arms full of bags. I tried to help but they would take anything I tried to pick up. Despite my disbelief, they somehow got everything in one trip even without my help and still managed to make it look effortless.

I didn't think there was anything I needed. According to the twins though, I was really wrong. We must've gone to every store in the mall. They'd periodically point at and ask me if I had a thing, I'd say no every time, they'd have me pick some out, and we'd move onto something else in the store. At first I was cynical about whether or not I actually needed a thing but eventually I just wanted the process to move faster and gave up. I don't think I have ever spent so much time shopping in my life.

And I thought I was tired after school. Now, I'm exhausted. I cut straight through the foyer and up the stairs. The boys follow behind me all the way to Cameron's room where I fall face first onto the bed. It seems over dramatic but I really am just that tired. There's a soft chuckle behind me before the sound of bags rustling and a pair of feet leaving the room, closing the door behind them.

The remaining twin, I'm assuming Cameron since Chris is most likely the one who left, walks over to me on the bed and takes my shoes off. He drops them on the floor one at a time before repositioning me onto the bed correctly.

"Why didn't you say you were this tired?" he asks as he lays down next to me.

I shuffle myself closer to Cameron, cuddling into his side with my head on his chest, before responding, "It wasn't important." My eyes close under the weight of my own eyelids.

He brings his arm up around my back, dragging his hand up and down my arm. "You are important. Now, get some sleep. We can eat dinner later." he tells me. I feel him lightly kiss my head before I drift off.

Chris' POV

Alison falls face first onto Cam's bed. I could feel she was tired but damn, not this tired. I don't know if her exhaustion is normal after the way she's lived or if I should be concerned. Either way, I'm not happy about it. I'll have to talk to Aunt Lydia about this. Yeah, just to make sure she's okay.

Cameron chuckles next to me. 'I told you so.' he links me. Goddess, his hubris about this whole situation makes me want to strangle him.

'Yeah, yeah.' I link back as we set down all the bags near his closet. He had told me at the mall that she was fading fast. I didn't believe him because her feelings are barely coming through to me. This only serves to prove that his bond with Alison is already stronger than mine.

I leave the room hoping to do something productive while they nap. In reality I just want to be able to help her in some way. Cam gets to be close to her, sleep next to her, kiss her, and everything thing else that she would reject from me. All I can do is get more information about how to help her.

My dad meets me at the bottom of the stairs. "Oh, Chris, I was just coming to see you guys. What're you doing down here?" he says, walking up to me. Of course, he assumed I would be spending all of my time with my mate right now.

"Hey, I was just-- Alison is just really exhausted, I don't think her body is adjusting well. So, I'm going to talk to Aunt Lydia." I fumble at first but eventually explain my separation from my mate in a reasonable way. My relationship with Alison is the first important thing I've ever lied to him about. I only told him about her problems with her wolf, not her other injuries. I'm nervous that he'll see right through me.

If he does notice anything off about me then he doesn't say anything. Instead, he says, "She has been getting all of her energy from her wolf for longer than is recommended. There may be something Lydia can do. How'd you guys decide which one got to stay with her? Coin toss?" His joke causes my heart to contract painfully but I laugh anyway.

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