Chapter 6: Friends

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Alison's POV

I roll over in bed, trying to find a more comfortable position to hold my new phone up in. I've spent the last two days laying in bed after I passed out. Cameron has been insisting upon me staying where I am and resting. Apparently, my fainting had really freaked everybody out.

It wasn't my first time passing out but it was the first time that I woke up in the pack hospital instead of the same place I fell down. The twins were there along with Dr. Braylie. According to the doctor, my electrolytes and vitamin levels were low. My physical state coupled with the sudden anxiety attack was just too much for my body to take. Unfortunately, this made Dr. Braylie recommend bed rest until Nessa is back.

I understood at first, but now it's been two days. Two days of laying in Cameron's bed. Two days of only getting up to shower, go to the bathroom, and eat. Plus, Cameron won't let me walk anywhere further than the bathroom by myself. So, when I do want to go downstairs to eat, he carries me. I ended up only letting him do it once before I decide to just eat in Cameron's room too. I'm bored out of my mind.

This is ridiculous. I'm my own person. I don't need to be watched over and waited on. If there's one thing my life has taught me, it's how to fend for myself. I don't care if I'm in the least amount of pain/discomfort I can ever remember being in. This sucks anyway.

I look up at the sound of the bedroom door opening. Cameron walks in with two plates of lunch. "Here you go, Baby." he says, handing me a plate.

I take the plate from him and set it on the nightstand I have claimed as my own. "I'm not hungry, which I told you before you left to get lunch." I say.

I admit, I've been a little cranky today. It's just, I get that he can feel the mate bond right now and wants to be with me all the time, but I don't feel that yet. Imagine being a human and a super clingy alpha werewolf who looks identical to your childhood bully wants to spend 24/7 with you after you found out your whole life was a lie and fainted. I feel suffocated.

Yes, I like Cameron. His scent calms me down. I don't, however, want to spend every waking and non-waking moment with him. I don't feel the intense infatuation that the mate bond causes right now. There's a lot that I need to think about and I don't feel the need to think about it outloud with him. I don't want to talk about it. I want to think about it, by myself.

"Baby," he says, sitting on the bed in front of me. "What's wrong? I can't help if you don't tell me what's bothering you."

That's the other problem. I hate myself for being annoyed with him because he is so freaking nice to me. It's like being frustrated with an adorable puppy that just wants to love you. "I'm sorry. I just feel like I'm losing my mind in here." I tell him, feeling guilty.

He sighs, taking my hand, "I suppose bed rest could be extended to include couch rest." he says. I jump across the bed to hug him.

"Really? Can I walk there myself?" I pull away slightly to ask, keeping my arms looped around his neck.

He smiles before kissing me softly. "Only to the living room, then your butt stays on the couch." he compromises. My smile widens before I climb off the bed and rush over to the door.

"Come on. Let's go." I say, turning around and grabbing his hand when he's moving too slow. He chuckles, letting me pull him out the door. Chris' bedroom door opens a second after I open Cameron's. He sees me leading his brother and silently follows.

The fourth floor living room is empty when we get there. I'm immediately escorted to the couch and sat down with a blanket. My eyes roll automatically but I'm otherwise complacent.

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