Chapter 12: Insecurities

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I just wanna take a moment to mention that this is the first chapter that really earns us our maturity rating. Sooo, do with that what you will ;)

Alison's POV

When Amelia returns we talk well into the evening. Words continuously stumble out of my mouth as I try to get her up to date on my day. She ends up being the most interested in me using my magic again. Relationship drama is everyday but magic relationship drama, now that's juicy.

Neither of us plan on leaving the room for dinner. Amelia's in better shape than I am but she's still tiny compared to other wolves. We just don't feel the need to eat that the people down in the dining room are.

Or maybe they just can't wait to socialize with everyone else. Which is also something that we cannot relate to.

"What am I gonna do?" I ask her. "It was such a bad fight."

Amelia nods from her position next to me, "I'll say, I mean, you did get physical without actually getting physical. I hate to say it but it would have been better if you had actually pushed him." She looks over to me as she finishes her sentence. My face must convey my inability to travel back in time because she moves on, "But, he did hide something from you after you guys said you wouldn't do that anymore. And it ended up hurting you more than it would have if he had just warned you."

It's my turn to nod, resting my head back against my pillow. "I can't even think of how to go on when Cassie had a point. Cameron, the one I thought I knew I could count on, obviously liked her. And I am nothing like her." My reason seems pretty sound to me.

"Which one is Cassie again?" she asks. I'm not sure if she's even known who I meant this whole time. I tried to help her put a face to the name multiple times but we eventually just have to move on.

I sigh, "She's the daughter of one of those high ranking international correspondents. What's his name? Shit, I always called him Mr. Whitlock. It might be Ian but don't quote me on that." Amelia shakes her head when I look over to her, coming up blank.

"Uhh," I try to think of anything else I could try. "Come on, how do you do your job without knowing these people? She's always at her families table for meals in Section B. Fake blonde sat next to an older man and his mate who's like ten years younger than him but like, hey, if it be the Goddess' will."

She squints her eyes in thought, looking at the duvet. "You can quote the dictionary but this, this person you have to have interacted with multiple times before, escapes you?" I finally ask.

"I care about the dictionary. These people mean nothing to me. Besides, none of them are my age and statistically, you're more likely to notice someone your own age." she defends.

"Oh! Oh! This will do it!" I say, remembering another piece of the puzzle. "Younger one, maybe your age, brunette like the rest of the family-"

"You are really invested in her fake hair color." Amelia interjects.

"It's the one thing I have!" I say, raising my voice. "Anyway, I think her name is like Maggie or something."

Amelia sits up, her hand covering her mouth. "You mean Madison! Goddess, Alison, how do you forget the most important one!" she exclaims.

I stare at her wide eyed. "You forgot three members of the family but I'm the fool for forgetting one?" Sure, that seems right.

"No, Alison, Maddie is Zach's girlfriend." she says as if it's some big revelation.

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