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Coriolanus stared at the brown haired woman skeptically. President? What the hell was she playing at?

"I'm told that you're on the run from the Capitol?" The supposed President Amelia Coin raised an eyebrow at them.

"That's right, ma'am," Lucy Gray said, her hands twisted together behind the back in a well mannered stature.

Coriolanus straightened his spine and pulled back his shoulders, trying to adopt Lucy Gray's seemingly indifferent manner.

"Why is that?" President Coin asked.

Lucy Gray met my eyes before she continued. "I am the 10th Annual Hunger Games victor," she said it strongly, but not with pride. There wasn't anything to be proud about when being the victor meant the deaths of so many others. "This here— Coriolanus Snow— was my mentor from and in the Capitol. We're running because there're things we've done that the Capitol... doesn't exactly like."

President Coin squinted at them. "Like what exactly? I need specifics."

Lucy Gray took a deep breath. "The Capitol hangs all of the associates of criminals, and we both happen to be affiliated with one. And Coriolanus here happens to be a criminal himself, although they haven't figured that out yet. They never will. We made sure of that."

Coryo swallowed, feeling stripped bare with that information being thrown into the open.

"So we're running north. We hadn't expected to be postponed here in 13."

That's when Coriolanus realized something. All of this... it was his fault. He was the reason Lucy Gray had to run. He was the reason she was leaving behind the only life she ever knew.

His chest was tight with the realization and he held his breath, trying to reign in his emotions. He had to hold it together.

Coin was silent for a long time. "What crime?"

Lucy Gray hesitated then. She looked at Coriolanus and he spoke for her. He met Coin's eyes and held his ground. "Murder." He said quietly, but still without wavering.

Because it was true. Coriolanus Snow was a murderer. There was no denying it. Lives are gone because of him.

Lucy Gray reached for his hand.

Coin studied Coriolanus with narrowed eyes.

Lucy Gray spoke quickly to put off whatever she was about to say. "What Coriolanus fails to mention was that I was all for a reason. To protect himself but also others. Without those deaths, he wouldn't be here today. Neither would I." She paused and tilted her head at the woman. "And from what I can read in that face of yours, is that you're glad we're here. Aren't you?"

It was silent so Lucy Gray continued. "A Capitol boy and a Hunger Games victor, running. Together no less. We could mean something to your cause which is... what exactly?"

The room felt heavy with questions waiting in anticipation to have their answers. Coriolanus could feel it.

"You're a clever girl, aren't you?" Coin smiled at Lucy Gray. It felt forced.

Lucy Gray shrugged. "One has to be in order to become a victor."

It was true. But there was also so much more that a person has to be in order to win the Hunger Games.


"Well, Lucy Gray Baird." Coin said, still smiling. "This is the rebellion."

The word incited the defiance that's always been simmering in the pit of Lucy Gray's stomach. Rebellion.

The irony was remarkable. District 13 was destroyed at the hands of the capitol to rid Panem of any chance of this happening again, only for it to come and hit them back.

And from what Lucy Gray saw, they were more than prepared in terms of weaponry.

But Lucy Gray was worried about Coryo. You can take the boy out of the Capitol, but you can't take the Capitol out of the boy. At least, not completely.

He was standing perfectly still, but his grip was a vice on Lucy Gray's hand.

He knew what rebellion meant. It meant destruction, and destruction meant death. He was thinking about Tigris. About his Grandma'am.

He was wondering what would happen to them.

Lucy Gray knew that he had to battle with himself— choosing between her and the family that he'd be leaving behind.

He was second guessing everything now. She needed to end this conversation with Coin as soon as possible, because she knew Coriolanus would hold in every thing he was feeling until he was without audience.

Coin started to speak again. "And you're right," she said. "I am interested in you guys. We've had people run from the districts and make it here, but never a games victor and most certainly never someone from the Capitol. We're almost ready to strike the Capitol. All that's left to need is a face. Or faces."

Lucy Gray felt Coriolanus tense. "What makes you think we want any part of your rebellion? We were running north until your men threatened us at gun point."

Me. I want to be a part of the rebellion, Lucy Gray thought but didn't say.

"And I apologize for that," Coin said, "but we can never be too careful. Just one mistake can destroy everything we've built and I won't take chances. I have no idea if you would agree to what I'm proposing, which is why I'm asking. But I need to know that you guys won't run back to the Capitol if we let you go, so I need some incentive. Trackers we can inject in your skin."

Lucy Gray shivered, feeling the phantom of a needle digging into her skin. She wanted to stay. She wanted to do her part. The districts deserved better than the Capitol. They deserved a fair government that truly cared for them and she believed that this rebellion could give them that.

But she could feel that these beliefs would drive a rift between her and Coryo. Unless she could convince him. She had to convince him because she needed him with her. It seems she's always needed him despite hating the fact. She needed him in the games and she needed him after and she needs him now.

So before Coriolanus could respond, Lucy Gray spoke. "Let us think about it," she said, taking a tiny step forward.

"Lucy Gray—" Coryo started but Lucy Gray turned, giving him a look that told him to be quiet.

"For now, if you could please give us a place to rest it would be appreciated greatly. We've been walking for days and haven't been able to rest without rocks digging into our backs. We're dehydrated and hungry and we'll be able to decided when we're fed and well rested." Lucy Gray held her ground, lifting her chin with confidence. They would have this and she would not let them have anything else.

If they wanted them as the face of the rebellion, they would treat them so.

Coin nodded. "You will have that. General Lennox will take you to some rooms— or just one if you'd prefer— and we'll send food for you. I expect an answer by tomorrow or else we'll have to figure out what to do with you. The area that you've stumbled into is purely for those active in the rebellion. Those seeking safety only have a different part of the district to themselves."

"We can give you an answer by then," Lucy Gray assured her. She glanced at Coryo. "And just one room is fine."

They were dismissed in the way a president would tell them to, and they let General Lennox lead them to their room in silence.


Author's Note:

Lucy Gray knows what she wants and she knows when she wants it. Wish that was me haha <3

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