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"You're having too much fun," Coriolanus heard Lucy Gray chide as General Odair led them to a new room, a bit further from Coin's office than the last one.

Coriolanus just grinned at her. "If we're going to be here awhile, might as well have a little fun."

Lucy Gray laughed, shaking her head. "Might as well," she repeated, taking his hand in hers.

It was silent the rest of the way and Coryo knew she was focusing on memorizing the way, just like he was.

"Why didn't you tell me about Hilarius?" Lucy Gray asked him as they walked and he turned his head to look at her.

He shrugged. "I saw him in passing," he said. "I would have told you except we were surrounded by food and thoughts of him quickly vanished. He didn't cross my mind again until we were in the room with Coin."

Lucy Gray had a look on her face that told him she believed what he said, and she should, because it was the truth.

The smell of all that food had filled Coriolanus' nose and all either of them could thinking about in that moment was the fact that they could eat as much as they want.

Then afterwards, Lucy Gray had pulled him into a dance and he was completely lost in the joyous sensation that came with being around Lucy Gray when she was in that mood.

She had a smile that seemed to erase everything else on your mind except for her, and when you smile like the way she had been in that mess hall, there's nothing you can do but smile along with her.

"Were you two close?" Lucy Gray asked and he shook his head.

"Never," he said. "I wasn't exactly popular among my peers. I was more infamous." Coriolanus brushed his thumb across the back of Lucy Gray's hand, lifting it to his mouth to kiss her knuckles.

He could feel Lucy Gray studying him. "Infamous for what?" She asked.

The question put a mischievous grin on his lips. "For being the best. The top student who was bound to win the Plinth Prize until—" he cut himself off, his smile melting into a frown.

He let out a heavy sigh tightened his hand around Lucy Gray's. Then he shakes his head, as though putting aside what he was about to say. "It doesn't matter anyway," he said gloomily. "Things have changed. Now I'm infamous for being a traitor to Panem."

Before Lucy Gray could reply, General Odair stopped walking, leaving us standing in front of a door that looked exactly the same as the last.

"This will be your room from here on out," Odair says, gesturing to it with his head. "You aren't confined here, you may wander wherever you have access— in other words, you can go anywhere that doesn't need a keycard for access."

So that's what that's for, Coryo thought as his eyes flick to the keycard hanging from the General's belt. He had noticed it before but never found out what it was for until now.

"Why aren't we allowed in those rooms?" Coriolanus asked, challenge in his tone. He felt Lucy Gray squeeze his hand, asking him to stay civil.

General Odair only stared back, his expression infuriatingly calm. "Just because President Coin has decided to make you the face of the rebellion does not mean the she trusts you yet. You'll receive access when you earn her confidence. We'll have your things from your old room moved here," he said, and with that he left.


They walked into the new room and Lucy Gray's mouth formed an O. The bed in the corner was much bigger, perhaps three times the size compared to the little one they had before.

Lucy Gray felt her cheeks go hot at the remembrance of Coriolanus' insinuation but she pushes it aside, focusing instead on the second room that seemed to be connected to this one—something the room before didn't have.

She walked into the room, realizing it was a bathroom. It was huge. There was a full size tub along with a sink and toilet. The room itself made Lucy Gray feel small.

Coriolanus walked into to look as well but as he glanced around, he looked underwhelmed.

Lucy Gray suddenly remembered the circumstances of his life before the games. He'd had a a big home with big rooms and ornate— although worn out— furniture and decorum. This must look like nothing to him. But to Lucy Gray... this felt ten times bigger than anything she had ever seen.

She swallowed and cleared her throat, turning around to go back into the main room. She saw a closet and she went to it, opening it and rifling through the few things stocked in it.

She let out a sound of frustration. "More of these damn jumpsuits," she muttered, feeling as though someone had pressed mute on her color.

Coriolanus came up behind her and brushed her away from her neck before pressing his lips to the exposed skin. "I'll bet we could find materials to make something new," he said, wrapping his arms around her waist to pull her close.

Hope sparked in Lucy Gray's chest. Yes! That was a perfect idea! She would ask right away. And also for a supplies to wash her dress she arrived in. They'd been here for less than a day and she was already missing her old dresses and clothes.

Everything here felt so dull, except for the mess hall.

"What are you going to do about Hilarius?" Lucy Gray asked suddenly, remembering their conversation from a few minutes ago.

Coriolanus too a deep breath, letting it out in a heavy sigh. "I'm not sure. He didn't look happy to see me. But not upset either. I suppose I could approach him and see what happens. I'll admit I'm curious about how his current circumstances came to be."

Lucy Gray nodded. She was curious too. After Wovey was— Lucy gray couldn't even think the word— what had Hilarius decided to do with that loss?

How had he even gotten here? He would have had to make it through the whole of Panem plus the trek from 12 to the ruins of 13.

Did he know what there were people hiding here, or was he simply running when he suddenly ran into people they way Lucy Gray and Coryo had?

There were so many questions that needed answers, and Lucy Gray was beginning to feel like the answers wouldn't come for a long time.


Author's Note:

Hey guys! It's been a hot second haha. Hope you guys are doing well! Hope you enjoyed and let me know your thoughts :)

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