Part III

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Anonymously Sweet

Warning: This story has a plotline based on males suffering from bulimia. It is highly triggering, and may cause discomfort with some readers. Please take caution.

Part III: The Note

Louis was once more dragged into the stupid café once more. Stan complaining he was “Dying for another cup of coffee.” As they walked home from school. Louis of course, didn’t have a choice. But he was more worried about becoming sick again. Stan pushed the boy, despite his complaining, up to the chocolate and latté colored counter. A boy, curly hair and piercing green eyes stood behind the counter. Green apron hanging loosely round his neck.

“How may I help you?” Louis’ breath caught. The boy was overall, beautiful. In his eyes at least.

He’s also thin you unlike you.

He dismissed the voices in his head, as Stan brought him back to reality. Listing his chocolate infused drink, along with Louis’ Yorkshire intimidation. He really did like the tea. But with the additives ad all those other things? It was the difference between an inch around his waist, or a centimeter.

Louis couldn’t help but notice the boy in the apron. He was looking over Louis. Like he was a helpless muskrat and the boy was a hungry fox. Suddenly as their eyes met, the boy turned his face away, heavy blush on his face. He shuffled off to the java machine. Louis was confused, but smiling.

“He seems interested in you mate.” Stan snickered. The blushing boy, shakily making their drinks. Louis’ grin became larger and larger, every time he saw those bright jade eyes peering back at him, his cheeks growing cherry every time their eyes met. Louis chuckled, going to fetch an area for the boys to sit. Stan appeared moments later. Tea and his ‘High Calorie Concoction’ in hand.

Louis sipped on his tea, trying to avoid his feeling of guilt and discomfort rising in his tummy. Or was that something else?

Louis please don’t get sick. Not here.

“This is so good! You have to try a bit Lou.” Stan’s grin was wide. Louis’ heart raced. He was already feeling a bit sick, could he bare it.

It has so many calories

Louis’ mind thoughts were running ramped.

“I’m not sure Stan.” Louis answered timidly. Stan slid his drink to his mate across from him.

“Just a sip. It won’t kill you!” Louis gulped. Attaching the straw to his lips and sipping the liquid down his throat.

In moments Louis scrambled up, racing to the bathroom. He really couldn’t keep it down!? He was so angry with himself.


He raced into a stall, locking the door. Collapsing to his knees and letting that small sip, become absolute hell for him and his stomach. He heard banging on the door.

“Louis? Louis are you alright?!” Stan asked panicking on the other side of the wall.

Louis continued to choke up the contents of his stomach. There was barely a scrap of food in there! How was he this sick. Louis warily opened the door for Stan to see the weak boy, crumpled up in a mess of sickness on the ground. Stan grimaced at the smell of his friends vomit. He flushed the toilet, picking up his friend off the floor, and letting him lean weakly on him.

Anonymously Sweet -Larry Stylinson Short Story- AUWhere stories live. Discover now