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Chap. 1- Doe a Deer a Female Deer


Somewhere in spring of 1995

"Doe a deer, a female deer.
Ray a drop of golden sun,
Me a name I call myself
far a long, long way to run.
So a needle pulling thread"

James sang to the rasp of his
folk-ed accent that if not package with a pubescent voice crack would have half the chance of sounding good.

He was dancing around the cafe, in little spins and juts of his hips, like some personified Cinderella, tattered apron and all.

The bleary-eyed girl, pretty with exhaust sighed. James bellowed the carol he had esteemed as her 'theme song', coined after her name, which wasn't really her name.

Evan called her it. Doe. And James had called her by the nickname the first day she started working here, comparing her to a lost deer.

James was mopy at the mention it wasn't his first. Even bringing it up had guaranteed comment from him.

Evan Rosier, the true father of the now lasting nickname, had called Doe it since the two had met, as galling eight-year-olds in the same third-grade class.

His mum is a nurse. The boy had remembered her mentioning Jane Doe's a bundle of times. Guess he just assumed the Doe came with the Jane- her real name.

If it wasn't for his mother's occupation, Jame would have internalized it as some intellectual metaphorical insult, on how nobody knows who she is.

Doe straightened the crooked apron trying her best to ignore James as he started the song from The Sound of Music up again. Letting him get through the first line- which was the only one that held any mention of her.

"It's a crime you're this awake in the morning." Doe called out to him before he could continue his darlingly vexing repetition.

Adding the raspberry danishes to the display shelf. They were opening the cafe today and closing... together. A double. With him. She frowned just thinking about it. Piss.

Leo's Cafe- where she works- owned by the lovely Euphemia and Fleamont Potter. A home to the persecute of making Jane Aylete work with their less than lovely son- James Potter- every weekend.

The thing about the Potters is that they didn't need this modest cafe. Hell, they didn't need to lift their weekly pedicured pinkies for the rest of their gratefully endowed sagacious lives.

Fleamont came from a wealthy English family and Euphemia came from a wealthier, Spanish one. Both having turned eighteen with bows of connections and respectably inflatedly steep trust funds.

They were sweet and all ignoring the clear class divide. Their son was her exception to turning an eye to the families' weighted down pockets of their measured pants from all their ready cash, held up by some Italian designer belt that could probably buy seven months of her family homes rent. Maybe the eye isn't very turned.

Jane tried her best to turn a blind eye to their wealth, but she knows for certain James is a staggering bane.

He is the lucid opposite of her and a reminder to every hinderance in her life.

James Potter, one of the flush boys from Alnwick All Boys Private Institution-made for the richest heirs to becoming their fathers, with receding hair lines- Fleamont's hair is actually quite nice- in the whole continent.

A castle of a settlement sitting on a green hill looking down on the skintly demure town of Areleton. Where Doe lives.

"Early bird gets the worm." James replied, smiling to her from across the espresso bar.

Jane squinted her eyes, glaring at him. "And what's the worm, exactly?"

James tripped over the mop, stumbling to get closer to her and any attention she would give him. "I dun'know but if I hadn't gotten up at four-"

Jane scoffs out. "Four." moving to add the eclairs.

James continued, leaning down on the tip of the mop with his chin, showing Jane his threatening dimples, ignoring the quip on his wake hour. "-I wouldn't have had such a lovely walk with snuffles."

He tipped all of his body on the mop closer to her without a step, happy to take whatever insult she could find for the golden boy. He looked like a puppy waiting for his treat- her pending reply.

Jane turned my back to him instead, closing the glass panel of the display case, bending down to restock the sugars.

Jane heard him cough from behind, losing footing of his support on the rusting mop scrambling to pick it up again.

By the time she had gotten the Splenda and Raw, James had his back to her as well, griping the broom behind himself like caught in some bawdy act.

James got weird sometimes in his fool-ly confident "flirts" that seemed less smooth with every stumble and riling way of saying something. Any showing of his coltish nature.

"I wish snuffles was the one opening with me." Doe bumped her hip into his, leaving the bar to set out each container of sweets on the tables and booths. With the knock, he acted alive again, continuing his mopping.

"Me too but-" He was either, to dumb to notice Doe meant she wanted to replace him with his dog, to tired to notice -waking up at four am on a weekend prick- or he chose to ignore it. "-It'd probably get us a C on inspections."

He caught Jane's eye, smiling. "Remember when I got us a B because I had put my Star Wars figurines in the display case?"

She turned away from his smiling, shaking her head. "That was stupid of you.""

It was May the fourth!"

Authors Note:

Welcome, I hope you liked it. I love their dynamic, and I am so happy to continue this story like the plans I have for it are going to be so fun to write.


Mine is currently-
venus in the sea <3

Mine is currently- venus in the sea <3

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Date Posted: January 5th 2023

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