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Chap. 1- Doe a Deer a Female Deer

Jane liked staying in the back, never being the keenest with people.

Trimming her apron with flour and a smudge of raspberry seemed better than half&half and vanilla syrup. Going home smelling like dough and various red and pink fruits was agreeable compared to the coffee grounds.

Tucked away in an ambient hum. Jane had made two sheets of Choux pastry before close.

Urging James to just give them out for free so as not to be a waste.

Staying in the back kitchen, the rest of operating hours. The cafe was closed now, close to lockup. Jane hadn't talked to James after her cloyingly grateful banishment to the kitchen, besides a few orders she threw at him.

As much as James loved to pique her to any end. Jane thought or knew- he is nice enough, or sensible enough, to just sit there and look pretty sometimes.

James wasn't actually sitting anywhere. He had been doing his job and Doe's the whole second shift. Really taking this whole harassment thing rough.

Jane was a bit surprised, I mean, sure the blonde freak gave her a fright, spit of throw up in my mouth, probably something she'd think about for years. But James was acting like her cat had died.

He had taken all the trash out, like usual, as well as cleaning the espresso machine, doing food count, moping, breaking down both stations, and putting up the chairs inside and out. Leaving Doe to... count the money.


James got back from taking out the trash.

Doe unwrapped her apron from her angular waist, rolling it up as soon to leave, pulling her dark hair out of its braid. James came up to the fawn with an awkward smile, swinging around the store keys.

Jane looked up at him questionably, leaning against the kitchen island. What did he want now?

"Hey uh." James put a hand behind his back, leaning forward.

"Sorry if I got too mad earlier and made you uncomfortable." He looked like a scolded puppy. Jane's eyes widened. James looked afflicted?

It was a look close her little brother- Ellis- would give her after somehow finding another way to scrap a part of his body or rip one of the low numbers of clothes in his closet. Hurt, but more worried for the awaiting witness.

He let out an angry huff. "It's just that right creep."

Hair falling into that messy shag that he always had, a warm brown. The lowering sun's beams peaking through the casemen windows to pattern on his olive skin. His arms kind of looked huge, probably from taking all that trash out to the dumpster of the restaurant across the street.

Doe tilted my head up fully to see him. Her mouth parted a bit. Did he look... good?  

He actually looks fit.

Second time Jane had thought that. Her usually pale face of a certain found aesthetics similar to a washy watercolor painting had brushed a rosey carmine. 

"It's fine Potter." Jane used his last name as a repellent to his unwanted draw.  

"Okay then well-"

"AHHHH" James let out the most boyish puny scream Doe have ever heard. She almost thought a scaredy cat of a 5-year-old had snuck into the store after hours and was being attacked by the butterfly of a beast Snuffles.  

James jumped around the room like in a serious game of the floor is lava climbing on the stainless steel counters Doe had just wiped down. Fuck's sake.  

Jane walked up to him rolling my eyes, putting a hand over his mouth to shut him up. Using her hand to bring his face level to her. "What!"  

"Mmmgh" He tried to say into her palm, but the stubborn one didn't let go. She waited until till he took a breath, then leaving the touch.

He pointed to the floor a step behind from where we were standing moments before "spider" 

Doe turned around, seeing the harmless daddy long leg frozen with fear just like James.  Deep breath Doe.

Jane pushed her palm back on James' forehead, letting him lose his balance. "Scared me for a fucking spider."

Turning around and grabbing an envelope from the mail stack, carefully sliding the creature onto the paper and tiptoeing him to the back door, letting him out to find a more natural death. 

Jane watched him jump off the counter, letting out a tuff scoff.

False alarm James Potter is most diffidently not hot.

Date posted: January 5th, 2023

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Date posted: January 5th, 2023

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