Chapter 8

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"That would be me, Annabeth Chase."


Annabeth POV

Zoe Nightshade, her expression a mix of weariness and the weight of the centuries she had endured, led the bewildered demigods inside her secluded cabin after telling her daughter to go on a solo hunt for supper. She seemed overjoyed by this and obliged. The air held an unusual calm, belying the turbulent revelation that hung in the air like a storm about to break.

As they settled on surprisingly comfortable wood couches, the tension in the room was palpable. Annabeth couldn't shake the confusion that gnawed at her logical mind, while Piper's thoughts remained fixed on the enigma of who could have possibly won over the infamous man-hater.

Zoe, with a sigh that seemed to carry the echoes of Tartarus itself, began her tale. "Can I get you anything? Because this will be a long story," she offered, but the demigods shook their heads in silent anticipation.

"Alright, it all started when I was thrown into Tartarus. I believe it was around 3 years ago for you two?" Zoe began, the memories of that harrowing journey resurfacing. Annabeth and Piper nodded, their curiosity piqued.

"Well, when that happened, I was down there for only a day when a man showed up," Zoe continued, surprising the girls with the admission. "At the time, I would've shot any male dead without a second thought, but this one turned out to be my only friend in the depths of that abyss."

The revelation hung heavy in the air as the demigods absorbed the notion of Zoe forming an alliance, even a friendship, in the heart of Tartarus. The unexpected twist added a layer of complexity to the huntress they thought they knew.

"We hunted down there for centuries. Killed men, monsters, gods, and some titans too," Zoe continued, her gaze distant as if traversing the eons. "We eventually set our sights on Tartarus himself. We worked for years, making it to the heart of the pit. But once we got there, he offered us freedom in exchange for his life."

The demigods exchanged glances, trying to fathom the idea of striking a deal with the personification of the abyss itself. The narrative unfolded like an epic, a tale of survival and unexpected alliances born in the shadows.

"We accepted his offer, and once we made a visit to Olympus, we came out here," Zoe explained, her gaze meeting theirs with an intensity that spoke of the struggles endured. "We put a time capsule around this area so that time moves differently. We have had her for around 10 years in total. She ages faster due to the immortality. She is around 14 in age right now. She will stop aging around the 18-19 range."

The silence that followed was filled with the weight of the revelation. Annabeth, who prided herself on logic, found herself grappling with the mystical intricacies of Zoe's tale. Piper, still consumed by thoughts of who could have won Zoe's heart, was now faced with a narrative that defied the boundaries of time and mortality.

Zoe, her story laid bare, looked at the demigods with an air of vulnerability rarely seen. "I know it's a lot to take in, but it's our reality. A reality shaped by the choices we made in the heart of Tartarus."

As the demigods processed the tale of immortal alliances and the enigma of time manipulation, Zoe Nightshade's cabin became a haven for stories that transcended the realms of mortal comprehension, a testament to the resilience forged in the crucible of Tartarus itself. "Who is your husband?" Piper finally asks. Zoe takes a hesitant look at Annabeth before saying, "Percy Jackson."

Annabeth looks at her for a long time, contemplating what she said. "Zoe are you saying that the man that I have been looking for for 3 years has been with you in this cabin for the whole time?" Zoe sighs and nods her head slightly.

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